Leprechauns follies

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After washing up, Jade chose to wear another of her long airy black skirts, this time with a silken black blouse instead of a cotton white one like she wore the day before. She still wore the many silver necklaces which were enhanced by her dark attire.

Her favorite necklace was a silver pentagram that she kept on at all times. It had been a gift from Tide, making it her most treasured accessory. For at least a pinch of color, Jade buckled on a myriad of decorative belts. Lastly she slipped a multitude of gangly silver bracelets on her skinny wrists and clipped two large hoops to her earlobes before rejoining the others in the kitchen.

As soon as she entered, Lara jumped up from the table with a nervous expression on her face.

"Jade! Can we find my home now?" Lara's anxiety skyrocketed after thinking about Zeftx story about his parents, and she ambushed Jade the minute she returned to the room.

"I need to get back soon, my parents aren't supposed to return from their anniversary trip till Monday but I don't want to take any chances...What day is it?" The thought of Zeftx never seeing his parents again had overcome her with new fears and doubts of ever seeing hers either. Jade tried not to frown but couldn't stop herself. She couldn't blame Lara for wanting to go home but it had been so very long since she last had company. In truth, it had been seven long, solitary years.  In that time, her hair had been marred by stress and turned streaks of silver throughout its long inky black tresses.

Of course she had Zeftx who was like a son to her and she would never regret her choice. Jade wouldn't trade anything for the time they'd lived just the two of them together in their little hut, not even for a key to the immortal kingdom itself!

By the Immortals! Sometimes she just missed her old life now and again. It wasn't natural for a nomad to settle in one place for so long, living with so few. She could admit to herself that she missed the traveling, grouping up in new bands everywhere she went, and being surrounded by dozens of interesting people all the time. And the dancing with bonfires as big as wagons!  She thought with fondness. Sighing, Jade put away her memories. She put them away easily because she could also admit to herself that she had enjoyed so much in her new life as well. Jade stopped frowning.

"My dear, it's Saturday," she answered, "Zeftx, darling, is going to help us find the place where we met just as soon as we're all ready. If we can find that spot, perhaps you will recognize which way to go from there." Jade had meant to sound hopeful but Lara just frowned and looked down at her hands in her lap. She looked utterly miserable. Jade turned to Zeftx with her brows raised high in question. He gave her a quick shrug to say he didn't understand any better than she did. Stepping closer to Lara, he gently placed one hand on her shoulder.

"Are you ready?" He asked when she looked back up at him, meeting his eyes with her own guilt ridden pair.

"Yes, thank you. I didn't mean to disrespect your hospitality or anything," she replied in a quiet voice.

"Oh Leprechauns follies, you've done no such thing," Jade interjected. "Now dearies, if we're all ready, I say we set out and find our treasure, X-I believe-marks the spot!" Lara chuckled at that and Jade gave her a big grin topped off with an exaggerated wink. Jade was glad to see Lara back to smiling. Before walking out the door Jade surprised Lara by handing her a red cloak with gold ribbon trim and embroidered golden moons and stars. Lara just looked at it, the colors were so rich and vibrant, and the fabric was soft but not too heavy. "It's beautiful."

"It's good to wear when you're in the forest for very long," Jade suggested with a smile. She pulled on an equally beautiful solid black cloak made out of what looked like crushed velvet. Zeftx cloak fell to his ankles and was made of brown hide. He tied it at the neck and all you could see underneath were matching brown boots. Then he put all his weight and strength into opening the front door for Jade and Lara instead of breezing right through the wall as he would usually do.

Lara was able to relax a bit more the moment they stepped outside. It was exceptionally bright out and there was still dew on the ground. It was Saturday morning and they were off to an early start; so she felt she could breathe easy for a while. Lara followed Jade and Zeftx as they took off at a brisk pace along the dirt path. While they compared theories on where they should start looking first, Lara went on examining the cloak she wore and wondered if Jade had made it herself. She bumped into Zeftx' back by accident while she was looking down at the sleeve, checking out the pretty gold thread that made up the moons and stars. He spun around so fast that her heart leapt into her throat and she reacted by stepping back quickly. He gave her an apologetic smile and she had a hard time swallowing her heart, because all of a sudden it wanted to stay up there.

For a second he just stood there smiling and looking at her with such open eyes. Again she was overwhelmed by how handsome he was. Jade was still walking and talking, she didn't realize they'd stopped. Zeftx blinked once or twice before his lavender swirling eyes turned a midnight blue then neutral grey and he turned back around. Lara didn't have time to smile back; apparently she was still too occupied with eating her heart out. She gulped.

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