Torn Between Two Worlds

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Back at the hut Zeftx carefully laid Lara down on his bed, making sure not to wake her. He lifted the quilt up to her chin and brushed her hair out of her face. Her cheeks were stained with streams of tears long since dried. Her golden skin illuminated her rosy little lips and he imagined what it would be like to kiss her and have her awaken like sleeping beauty right out of history. Then he could carry her away to marry her and live together happily ever after. He sighed, only if he could. Happily ever after didn't exist for demons and sleeping beauty had been an immortal anyway.

Jade was back in the kitchen preparing her spices, hanging herbs from the rafters, and crushing some into powders. He was supposed to be finishing the second window, and half the day was already over. It was important he completed it before the sun set. He forced himself to get up and go fix the window, the only motivation behind his movement was a lack of desire to invite any more gargoyles in for company this evening. He worked quickly, not wanting to waste time.

Once he finished the repairs, Zeftx didn't stand around to admire his handy work. With the finishing touches finalized, he darted back to his room to check on Lara. She was sitting up in the bed staring at the quilt on her lap. When he walked in she slowly turned her gaze to him.

"Lara, are you alright?" He asked. He crossed the room to sit down on the bed beside her. She wiped a tear from her face and choked on her words.

"Mom and dad are supposed to be home and I should be there too." A few more tears fell quietly down her cheek. "Now they are probably looking for me and I won't ever see them again." She stared down at the quilt once more and Zeftx rubbed her shoulders gently. What could he say? He knew what it was like to lose his parents.

"We'll find your home, I know we will, just wait and see." He hated to say so, but he knew that they would have to find it. Jade walked in and took in the sight. Zeftx rose and left the ladies alone. He hoped that Jade could make Lara feel better while he made tea in the kitchen.

"My dear, I think what you need is a warm bath, and some good news. Luckily, I have both." Jade led Lara to the bath she had prepared in her own room and handed Lara her clothes back. "They're dry now."

Jade left Lara and joined Zeftx in the kitchen. Lara shrugged off Jades borrowed clothes and slipped into the bath. Jade had grounded salt and mixed it into the water to help cleanse Lara and release tension. She had also dressed the bath with fragrant flowers to add to the relaxation as well as hot stones to keep the water warm.

Zeftx handed Jade a mug of tea and helped himself to his own. In Jade's tea he had mixed herbs for guidance. In his own he had used herbs intended to invite clarity. He felt so confused and lost. He didn't know what to think or how to feel and wasn't sure if he could let Lara go once they found her home. He needed clarity to help answer all his questions, to show him what choices to make and where to go.

"Zeftx dear, I found the place where I met her." He stared up at Jade but kept quiet. "I haven't told her yet, but as soon as she's finished cleaning up, I will. She misses her family and we must get her to them. Will you be able to handle this?" Now she was staring intently at him. He struggled, unsure of himself and took a sip, which didn't help at all. In his heart he knew he had to go, had to be with her as long as he could. He nodded at Jade. Yes-he could do it-he had to.

Lara finished her bath and got dressed into her own clothes. She braided her hair and joined Jade and Zeftx in the kitchen. They were dressed to go with their cloaks on. Zeftx seemed drawn and distant. Jade handed her the red cloak and told her to keep it, as a gift from them. Lara smiled and pulled it on.

"I know where we met Lara, I found it this morning when gathering herbs," Jade confided. Lara looked at her in surprise. A new hope blazed in her heart, she would see her parents; she would find her way home!

They left the little hut and walked down the worn path that seemed to lead to everywhere. Lara glanced over her shoulder at the hut one last time. She noticed the same two fairies flying by and landing on the roof. They waved at her and she smiled. Lara returned her gaze to the path and walked on while they bounded around the roofs edge robustly.

She found herself torn between two worlds. She wanted to return to her parents and her home, but she didn't want to leave behind the friends she had made here. In just one weekend in this mystical forest her entire world had been altered. She could never return home and forget about them or this place. There had to be a way for her to have both. Sadly, she couldn't think of one. In silence they walked for a long time. They kept going until they past the fork in the path and the trail thinned out beneath heavy forest vegetation.

"This is the place," Jade sighed. For the first time ever, the birds were silent. Lara, Jade and Zeftx had been pushing through leafy bushes and twisted branches hanging thick over the trail before stopping on the edge of the path. All around, they were crowded by wild overgrowth. "Lara darling, do you recognize this spot?"

Lara thought hard. Have I been here before? She wondered. It didn't look familiar. She was starting to feel a little worried, and then she noticed something off the path she did recognize. It was the place she landed when she had fallen.

However, now she couldn't even remember how she had gotten there, just that she had tripped and fallen and landed in that patch of tall grass off the jagged path. How is this going to get me back to my house? She questioned. Lara was pretty certain this wasn't her back yard, or even part of her neighborhood. She was so confused. Deflated, she fell to the ground with her legs pulled in, knees to her chest, and arms wrapped around her shins as she started to rock.

"What's wrong Lara?" Zeftx asked, whittled with concerned.

"I know where we are," she admitted in a hollow voice, barely more than a whisper. "This is exactly where I came from, but I can't remember how. How can this lead me home?" Zeftx dropped to his knees next to her and wrapped his arms around her shoulders. Slowly he rocked her and she stared at the place she recognized. It was a mystery she couldn't solve.

"Shh," Zeftx sought to soothe her, "I cannot stand seeing you sad like this. I want so badly to make you feel better, to cheer you up. I feel miserable whenever you suffer." He sighed softly next to her ear. "I feel so helpless."

Jade hummed a curious tune and walked around the perimeter of the spot that Lara stared at unblinkingly. "Wouldn't dare step into the grass, let us instead inspected it more carefully eh, dearies?" Jade considered aloud as she walked around the spot. "The forest is a magical place and if Lara is certain this is the spot, then by leprechauns! This is it." The forlorn pair nodded in unison.

"Perhaps however, Lara needs only to step into the grass to see her home," Jade contemplated out loud. "However, not so swiftly, it could be an illusion of some sort!" She added quickly, seeing Lara's eyes light up at the thought. She didn't want to send Lara to test her theory just in case it was dangerous. How could she be sure? Jade watched the lights in Lara's eyes dim as quickly as they had lit.

Lara fell into a trance while Zeftx did his best to comfort her. Eventually he stood up and walked away. He didn't go far, just out of sight. His throat was tight, his eyes were stinging and his emotions were spinning wildly. Zeftx stood aloft, he needed room to breathe and this seemed like the best time to seize some. Jade circled indecisively around the area of Lara's recognition. She wasn't making any sudden moves so they continued to wait.

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