Following a Different Path

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Lara's eyes flew open with unmasked annoyance. Then she reigned in her wayward emotions. Why was she so eager to be kissed by this mysterious stranger? Was it because he was tall dark and handsome? Or was it because she was almost sixteen and still hadn't experienced her first real kiss? Unlike Zeftx, Lienkin seemed closer to Lara's age, but she couldn't be sure without asking him outright.

Being totally honest with herself, she hadn't even had a real boyfriend yet let alone been kissed.  She liked to think that was because everyone believed she was Chris' girlfriend during freshmen year. That rumor started when they went to the first homecoming dance together. It didn't end till the second homecoming when she went as Eli's date, and despite denying the rumors, everyone seemed to think they just didn't do labels and had broken up regardless.  The actual truth was her love life had been completely non existent.  But maybe not anymore?

Back to the present, she reminded herself. Linn-kin, she sounded out in her mind, strange but not as strange as Zef-tisk. The mysterious Lienkin, like Zeftx, seemed strange and otherworldly but in different ways she didn't understand.  She looked up at the profile of his face, he had turned away from her and was staring off again, this time in the direction of a skinny dirt road.

"What's the matter?" She asked him. He turned his gaze back in her direction and his expression softened.

"There was someone..."He started, but then shook his head as if to clear it and changed the subject. "Never mind that now. Come this way with me"  They changed directions and started back the way they came.

"Weren't we just..." she started to ask, pointing toward the first road she'd scene since coming to this wilderness.  He shook his head no before she could complete the question.

"I have something else for you to see."  Lienkin led her toward the path she had been traveling with Jade and Zeftx but they didn't walk on it. Instead, they kept walking through the trees parallel to the path while heading in the same direction. "It is usually safer to stay off the path," he explained when she gave him a questioning glance. She merely nodded.

By the time they reached the fork, Lara was starting to wonder if he was going to reveal the way to Darby Dale to her. That theory evaporated when he turned the way opposite from what Jade had told them to take yesterday. She stopped walking and hesitated, knowing that she was on a deadline and didn't have time for this.  If they were this close to her destination, shouldn't she go straight home right now?

"What is wrong, Lara?" Lienkin turned and asked after feeling the tug on his hand when her feet stopped moving. Lara chewed at her bottom lip and glanced around full of indecision.

"How far will we walk from here?" She asked her own question instead of answering his. He seemed to consider the distance for a moment.

"We've come half way. Dusk will descend shortly after we reach our destination." As he told her, her expression turned more withdrawn from him. "Don't be afraid," he whispered, coming close to her again so that his face loomed just above hers.  It gave her shivers and made her blush.  Was this what it felt like to have a crush?  Her heartbeat quickened and the rapid thrum stole her thoughts away to Zeftx.  her heart stuttered in her chest.  Was it possible to have two crushes?

Most of the magic specks had long ago taken off on their own journeys, but once in a while a stray glimmering piece would reappear like now. It sparkled on his lip as he spoke. "I want you to trust me," he said, pitching his voice again to where the sound reverberated like a musical instrument. Impulsively Lara reached up to touch the magic speck. When she touched his lips, Lienkin's breath caught in his throat. The magic fragmented and melted equally into his skin and hers.

"Oh, sorry," she whispered.

"Don't be," he refused her apology. "Come with me Lara, please." She looked around one more time. If she went, she wouldn't make it back before nightfall. She didn't even know where they were going or if it would be safe enough to keep the gargoyles out. "Will you trust me?" He persuaded.

Why not, Lara reasoned at last. It is Sunday, but then again mom and dad won't be home till noon on Monday. I still have time. This was going to be the longest weekend of her life.

"I still have time," she repeated out loud. "lead the way Lienkin." His face cracked into a huge smile and he twined their fingers together in their clasped hands before pulling her again in his chosen direction.

This leg of the path did not wind or corkscrew. It appeared to stretch forever to the north in one very long strait line. Ever since they turned this way, Lienkin had allowed them to walk on the path.

The fact that they were on it probably had more to do with how difficult it was to force one's way through the wilderness than it had to do with the security of the trail itself. The jungle was thicker here than it had been to the west where they'd met.

After what felt like ages, they reached a point where the path dead ended in front of a ravine filled with overgrown thickets and thorny brambles. The twisted and gnarled branches reached out with threatening repugnance. The sun was setting over the treetops to the left, casting a menacing atmosphere.

"We are nearly there," Lienkin promised. Lara gulped down her fear and followed Lienkin closely through the entangled growth. Wherever Jade and Zeftx might be now, she doubted they would ever look for her here. The only sense of hope she could take from that was the chance it also meant the gargoyles wouldn't either. 

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