The Prophecy

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[art by Valeria Bogado]

Something's not right, Lienkin thought, I can feel it. He was remembering his mother's circle from the night before. It had started out well, which was perfectly normal. But by the grace of the immortals went from good to great (for lack of a better word). That is until, out of no where, it quickly turned bleak and left him with a feeling of unease.  Every time he tried to make it make sense, the less he understood.

As per usual, they had gone to the top of a cliff to the south, mostly for the villager's peace of mind. He had noticed a long time ago that his mother - unlike anyone else - had absolutely no fear of the night. He assumed it was because her patron Immortal was Lluenna, the Immortal Moon Queen, not that he had ever asked.  No matter how much it unnerved the coven, everyone in Opal accepted her decision to have night circles because they needed moonlight to receive the Immortal's blessings. 

There were other immortals presiding over their realm.  Immortals like king Sol, ruler of the Day, covenant spouse of Lluenna, ruler of the Night; the most powerful immortal duo since Mother Nature and Father Time.  Beneath Sol and Lluenna were others who ruled over their own divinities, but his mother Leann Lucero, daughter of Lars and Lucia Weathers, widow of Alec Lucero and the high priestess of Opal swore her allegiance to the Moon.  As such, the least she could do for her coven is offer them safe locations to conduct their nightly rituals.

Which is why they found themselves on top of the waterside cliffs were there were very few predators, and the barren rocky shore left the sky above their heads wide open, allowing the nearly full moon to illuminate the circle in soft light. They were also protected by the four elements when they cast their circle and always wove a spell of invisibility around themselves.  It was the journey to and from that held the most risk, but once again the venture there and back was uneventful.  It was within the safety and security of the circle itself that everything changed.

"We look to the North for our village, our home on this Earth. We look to the East thru the wilderness, from whence magic is carried willingly to us thru the Air. We look to the South below this cliff, restraining dangers below with the wrath of Fire. We look to the West where the river flows, for that is where it meets the path and sustains us with Water," which is how the priestess began the ritual. Four elements from all four directions were called upon to protect them.

Next she invoked the Immortal Queen and the three surviving elders; Debol Ulgres the coven mediator, Margret Dew the coven treaty, and Charity Brooks the coven initiator offered the supplies he had gathered. Then the entire coven body, Lienkin included, chanted in the old language binding the sweet and green ingredients to their success. The sound of ten mixed voices was overcome by the eleventh. It was the authoritative dictation of his mother signaling the change to this circle from good to great.

At first no one was really listening to the words. They were too distracted by the white mist rising from the ground in a puddle at her feet. She always appeared powerful and timeless when leading a circle but never before like now. Her eyes white-out to look like two matching miniatures of the brightly glowing moon, hiding all natural color behind their illumination.

Awestruck into silence, the voices all dropped off so that hers was the only one left to hear. The singularity of her voice sunk in, allowing their minds to absorb the words after all. The priestess was speaking a prophecy.

"Everything you need to grow, lives already upon your land...but if it is help you need to sow, a fair maiden the Immortals send."

Lara, Lienkin immediately thought. It had to be. The certainty of his conviction made his heart swell and it felt as if the light now seeping away from his enchanted mother was filling up the cavern of his chest. And that was when everyone began talking at once!

"By the Immortals," Arthur Succio, Fartharc's father exclaimed. Fartharc murmured in agreement. 

"The Immortal Moon Queen," Raye spoke with reverence.  She turned to her husband.

"Lluenna," Tahj whispered back at her. They both glanced up at the moon with beaming smiles on their faces. Tres stood next to them confused, which didn't really surprise Lienkin, but she would catch on soon enough. As the coven scribe, a role reserved for the youngest initiated member, Tres should definitely be taking notes on everything she didn't already understand.  And to her credit, a moment later she reached for her supplies to do just that. 

"It worked," Juno Withers added. "Our request is answered." He was the coven summoner and Lienkin couldn't remember the last time he heard the man speak before now.

"Let us not get ahead of ourselves," Leann, back to her normal self, shouted above the chatter. Everyone silenced and looked to Debol, Margret and Charity for guidance. Leann communicated with the three so that no one else could hear. They gave pause to her soundless plea.

"Please, young ones go dance and be merry. We are given a blessing!" Debol instructed. "The council will speak after a short meeting." The other two nodded and his mother pretended to smiled.

Obligingly everyone went about their business as expected. The tailors sang a merry tune, which they were admittedly very good at and Fartharc bowed over Tres' hand as he asked a dance of her. She hesitated, staring expectantly at Lienkin but he ignored her. Slighted, she accepted Fartharc's offer and they danced in the circle next to her parents Tahj and Raye. Juno and Arthur talked excitedly among themselves as the council deliberated in the corner alone.

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