Green With Envy

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Tres let out a tiny whimper when Lienkin released her after the demon had cautiously walked away and rejoined Lara on the beaten path. "Be careful," Lienkin hissed. She looked him in the eyes and nodded. He could see she was upset and he worried she might throw a tantrum.  Even though he didn't invite her along in the first place, and even though she had used magic against him, he still felt like he should treat her with more kindness.  After all, they were still from the same coven, and on the same side.

To snuff out her agitation he wrapped one arm around her shoulders in a side hug. Her demeanor changed immediately and he helped tug her to her feet. Keeping in mind to be gentle, he led her back a few paces so they could make a wide loop around the area that Lara and her company occupied, deciding to enter from the other side.

Once they reached the other side of the path, he and Tres remained hidden behind the first line of trees. Peeking out from where he was hiding, Lienkin could see the nomad plucking senselessly at tall blades of grass, she even taste tested one. He could also see Lara upon the ground, drowning in her own emotions while the demon lingered over her. She was so sad that it made him ill.

"The fair one!" Tres shrieked suddenly, making him panic. He grabbed her arm and pulled her against the tree they were peeking around, hiding them both from the trio's line of sight. He silently and hastily thanked the immortals when she lowered her voice to an angry whisper. "We came all this way for her?"

"Tres, keep quiet," Lienkin commanded in a hushed tone.

"No, I refuse," she mutter back, utterly fuming. "For once I would like something to be all about me. I'm sick and tired of her getting all the attention. She has circles dedicated to her, you dedicated to her, and now I see she doesn't have just one suitor but two!"

"That-is-enough," Lienkin interrupted her tirade. His voice held a very dangerous edge to it even when he whispered. "Get over yourself for one minute, you selfish brat, and take a second to realize that second suitor is a foul, murderous, self-imposing demon. Don't for a moment think to compare me to him." Lienkin spat on the ground, even more furious than Tres had been. She was stunned silent. Then it dawned on her.

"You're jealous," she said, half mystified half disgusted.

"I have every right to be," Lienkin retorted, but he was no longer arguing with her, he had his eyes closed and was constructing a mental map around the trees in between Lara's group and his.

Zeftx could feel eyes burning holes into him. They weren't alone. He felt rushed, sensing the calm before the storm in the pit of his stomach. What's more, they had already missed the first signs of dusk approaching and the sun was shifting colors. Because of the density of the foliage, the passing of hours was hardly noticeable through the overwhelmingly thick treetops, but with the shift in the atmosphere there was no mistaking it now.

He knelt again in front of Lara and lifted her chin to look into her eyes. Her sorrow was so evident he wanted to look away but he didn't. Instead he met her estranged gaze moment for moment until her expression softened and her frustration faded away. She breathed in deeply and her shoulders relaxed. Zeftx inwardly sighed with her.

Everything surrounding them disappeared. He let go of the predicament, he let go of the terrifying dusk in this wild landscape, he let go of Jade who was still musing over their mystery. Zeftx eyes stared into Lara's and she watched the swirling blend of color transform in hypnotic ways.

"Lara, I..." He wasn't sure what to say, but he didn't want to let go of her before he said something unforgettable. Anything would do, but he desperately wanted to believe when she was gone, she would be thinking of him too. Her eyes were so full and emotional they were as expressive as a demon's. He could tell she was truly listening and now was probably his last chance to speak his heart.

"Lara. These past few days...with you, they have been the most amazing times of my life. I want you to know that I," Zeftx saw her eyes flicker from a distraction, but in the blink of an eye she covered it up with a steady gaze and he wondered why. This was the flash of lightning before the thunder rolls and he had seen it coming. His time was up to say what he needed and he knew he wouldn't get another chance.

Zeftx might not have noticed if the rustling on the path earlier hadn't distracted him first. It was very likely that she had been startled by something just as he had been and she wasn't going to mention it. Casually he released her and prepared himself to leap to his feet. His tension must have set Jade off because suddenly her humming ceased and her puzzling halted.

"We have visitors," Jade observed. Zeftx was on his feet in an instant.

"Busted," Lara groaned, and for a heart-stuttering second Jade and Zeftx both looked at her questioningly. Then her heartbeat returned to normal, pounding loud in her temples and in the next breath the moment had passed.

"Where?" Zeftx asked, very matter-of-fact. Jade pointed, and faster than Lara's eyes could follow, Zeftx rushed forward going through the trees, followed by a very alarming female scream. He returned quickly, dragging one hostile guy and girl in his wake.

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