Times Up

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Zeftx was already working on the second window when he heard Jade's frantic humming outside. He dropped what he was doing and ran to her. His mood and temperament had him worked into a frenzy and he doubted he would be able to restrain himself if something out there was causing Jade any harm.

Emerging from the door like a phoenix catching fire, he was stopped short by Jades unexpected cheerful smile. He blinked a few times, confused by why he had expected the worst. His nerves were misfiring all over the place and he felt all twisted and tangled inside.

"Come quickly, Lara..."

"Lara?" Zeftx interrupted, his shoulders stiffening and his eyes growing wide.

"I found her," Jade confirmed, "we must hurry."

"Is she," Zeftx didn't know how to finish his question, but Jade seemed to understand as she simply nodded. His eyes turned stone grey and without waiting for her to say more, Zeftx began sprinting for the clearing. Without being told he knew in his gut Lara would be there.

Zeftx ran as fast as he could, Jade following in his wake. Lara? Back? Is she safe? Please let her be safe, he begged. She hadn't found her way home after all. Had the gargoyles found her? Did she run into any werewolves, vampires, leprechauns, dragons or gnomes? Lara, Lara, Lara; her name echoed in his thoughts. Please don't leave; if she disappeared again he knew he would fall apart. Now that she was found, he couldn't survive her disappearing again.

His mind continued to race as he ran to the clearing. It seemed like an impossibly long journey but when he finally he entered the clearing, there she was, standing on the far side staring off into the trees as though in a trance.

He tried to shout out to her, but he couldn't breathe and had to rest his hands on his knees and gasp for air. His eyes were glued to her as he gulped in each breath. He didn't dare blink. She stood there across the way in the same clothes she borrowed from Jade the day before. They were dirty and torn, ripped in a number of places and stained front and back. Her hair was whipping wildly in the wind and her demeanor seemed forlorn. Something about her was very different.

"Lara!" Zeftx shouted at last. She turned around and gazed at him with tears in her eyes. "Lara!" He shouted again and jogged over to her. What ever held her tears in place seemed to crumble the closer he came to her until she was crying uncontrollably. Zeftx wrapped his arms around her and held her tightly. "Lara, it's alright, it's alright. Jade and I will help you, we're here now."

He was so relieved to see her. He kissed the top of her head and comforted her the best he could. She shook with sobs and it broke his heart to see her this way. What had happened? Her face was smudged with dirt and her hair had little leaves and twigs caught in it.

Jade appeared on the scene and released her steely focus on Lara. She threw out her senses again to see if there was danger anywhere close by. Sensing none, she joined Zeftx in his attempts to soothe Lara.

Lara knew in a short while it would be noon and her parents would be walking through the door with their luggage in tow. She needed to expedite getting home. She wiped away her tears and Zeftx loosened his hold. Lara looked at him for the first time since he had arrived. The degree of concern on his face shocked her and she couldn't believe anyone could convey so much emotion with just one look. His eyes were swirling in royal blue and cherry red. The colors mixed together so much that she didn't notice them as colors anymore.

The closeness of his face, triggered a flash memory of the moon last night and the magic it had shown her. Seeing his eyes like this reminded her of the colors stretched across the sky when she climbed the plateau and that brief hesitation she'd felt thinking of him. Then the flood of emotional triggers slowed as she settled into the feeling of his arms around just like the sensation she had in the hut walls after being rescued from the gargoyles. It hadn't been that long ago but right now it felt like ages had passed.

"Lara dear," Jade broke through her train of thoughts. Lara allowed Jade to gently prod her shoulders, back, and forearms. Her arm was bruised where Lienkin had grabbed it and it hurt when Jade touched it. "I'm sorry Lara," Jade apologized quietly after seeing her flinch. She patted Lara on the hand a few times. "Tell us what you need, dearest, and we'll help you," Jade cajoled. Lara watched Jades frown increase as she remained silent. She wasn't sure what she needed.

She didn't even know what she wanted. Partially, she wanted to stay put till Lienkin came back and explained exactly what had happened. Another part of her only wished she could go home and forget about him completely. The way he changed like that scared her, if only he would come back and explain it away. She released a long shaky sigh, and with it the emotional residue from the long and sleepless night.

Zeftx brushed her hair away from her face using both of his hands and once again his eyes were changing. She remembered this color, the cherry red with apple green flecks. Under his gaze she could feel her body temperature rising. A flood of warmth soaked through her skin and worked its way from her core to the ends of all her limbs. Suddenly, Lara wanted to cry again. What was happening to her? Closing her eyes, she took a few experimental breaths to calm herself.  

"Lara," Zeftx whispered as he watched her closely. "Lara, can you walk?" She nodded with her eyes still closed. He gently held her hand and took a step forward. When she tried to follow him, her knees wobbled and almost gave out. Jade nudged Zeftx, bobbing her head meaningfully in Lara's direction, and Zeftx picked Lara up holding her tightly to his chest.

She didn't shout or kick. She just wrapped her arms around his neck and stared over his shoulder as they walked away from the clearing. She was utterly exhausted and needed to rest.

"Am I going home now?" Lara asked, snuggling her face into the crook of Zeftx shoulder. She fell asleep before Jade or Zeftx could answer. The two of them exchanged glances before making up their minds. Jade led the way as Zeftx carried Lara the entire way back to the hut.

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