The Gateway

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The path beneath their feet was hard to make out and they stumbled a few times. It was so overgrown with wilderness that Lienkin had to use a magic mind map to get them back. When they emerged on the scene though, there was so much brightness that they had to shield their eyes against the light.

Lara used her hand as a visor and squinted her eyes until they could make the adjustment. Her heart squeezed when she looked down. Everywhere surrounding them the ground was covered with the bodies of birds. Her eyes surveyed the forest floor in heartbreaking swoops up until she sighted her father and all her vital organs halted.

There he was, lying motionless on the ground exactly where she saw him fall earlier. He didn't have his glasses on anymore, and although his eyes were open, they weren't look back at her. Lara feared the worst not realizing his eyes were locked on her mother.  It wasn't until he blinked that she was able to breathe again.

Following his gaze, Lara wondered why her mother was illuminated in a glowing light. She was looking at the ground as the silent stretched.  Then, for seemingly no reason at all, she nodded. Slowly the light seeped away and just when she looked normal again, she looked up from the ground. Bizarre, Her mother was smiling.  The expression seemed completely out of place given the traumatic situation they'd all just experienced.

"Lienkin!" Tres shouted with a tinge of relief.  She was the first to spot them and shouting brought them to everyone else's attention.

"Lara," Jade and Zeftx both yelled together.  Her eyes darted from face to face as everyone turned to look in her and Lienkin's direction.

Glancing around, she took a silent head count.  With a wave of relief Lara realized everyone was still here and still alive. As she felt the tension seep out, her body's aches and her mind's exhaustion rose to the top and cried out for rest. She had very little rest this weekend. Her eyes grew round with the realization that it had all happened in just one weekend, well, an extended weekend perhaps. But it felt more like an entire season had come and gone in this mystical world in that short amount of time.

Flustered, Lara began wavering on her feet and Lienkin put his hand on her back to steady her. She smiled gratefully over her shoulder at him as he helped her regain her balance. As soon as she was certain she could trust her legs to carry her, she walked forward, nearer to the company of others (and he did the same). Although she trusted Lienkin, they would be safer in greater numbers.

She didn't get far before Zeftx ran in her direction and embraced her in a tight hug as a muffled cry slipped past his lips. She returned the hug and could mildly feel Lienkin's gaze on her back. The expression in Zeftx' eyes brimmed over when she pulled back to meet his gaze. A weight settled over her as she realized how much explaining she needed to do.  Looking around she also felt like she owed every single person out here an apology and she didn't know if she had the energy to give them the explanations they deserved. What happens now? She wondered and immediately wished she didn't.

Even though she decided that she didn't want to know, the answer came unbidden. It seemed as if the very life of night was waking. More danger waited. The nightmare wasn't over yet. Lara saw renewed fear spreading like the plague. Her mother was the only one moving fearlessly about. Lara watched her mom help her dad to stand up again. Supporting him with her shoulder he was able to walk slowly with a limp and a few winces.

Lara began looking around for his glasses and was caught off guard when her mother pulled her away from the locals and led her feet off the path toward the tall grass that Jade worried about being booby trapped before.  The patch of grass that served as a gateway between realms brushing against her ankles, and a tingling sensation started up her legs.  This is it!  She thought.

Jade no longer worried over her earlier theories, she just slipped her arm through Zeftx' before he could jump out and blatantly refuse to let Lara go.  She could feel the tension in his body and knew how hard he must be trying to keep it together.

"Lara, What if I never see you again?" Zeftx asked, his voice rebelling against the awkward silence.

Lara felt the sting that burned her eyes. What if he was right? They were going home, she knew it, and she should have been over joyous but for some reason her heart was in her stomach and she was far from feeling joy. The sound of some wolfish creature wounded the night somewhere off in the distance with its call to the moon. Soon his pack would sport in a plentiful hunt if Lara's company didn't retreat immediately. Her eyes flicked toward Jade who was actually smiling.

"Go child," Jade said softly. Lara nodded though she still felt misty-eyed. The trees were swaying, returning the moon to its hiding place above the canopy. It was getting dark again, a reminder that they shouldn't linger here in this dangerous place. Lara's father wrapped his free arm around her shoulders and she tripped backwards, bumping against her mother under his added weight.

"Lara!" Lienkin shouted and it was the last thing she heard. The world in front of her eyes was wavering and starting to gloss over. Panicked, she shouted out to them all, "I will return, I promise!"

The words jumped from her throat. She didn't have time to think of something to say but they were exactly the words she needed, the one's she had to say before departing. Lara just hoped they heard her.  Then, before the familiar walls of her garage could fully materialized around them, she fell into an exhausted, dreamless sleep against her parents. Triauve stroked Lara's hair with her free hand believing now they would be safe.

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