Time {Sharife Cooper}

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"Hey!" I smiled, walking into the gym.

Rife looked at me and nodded before shooting again.

I frowned before walking over to him. I hugged his waist from behind and he rubbed my arm before shooting again.

"Riiifffeee" I groaned out.


"Hug me back"

He gave me a quick hug but I pulled him back in.

"Bae stoppp, lemme go. I need to get my shots up"

I rolled my eyes, letting him go and walking away in frustration.

I looked to see if he even tried to see if I'm okay but when I looked back he was shooting again.

I scoffed, sitting on the bleachers.

I pouted for damn near the entire hour and a half we were there.

I should've drove my own car or sum instead of telling my mom to pick me up.

"Come on" He said, grabbing his bag.

I walked out to his car getting in

He got in also but he was texting.

"Who you texting?" I asked, seeing him smiling and laughing.

He shook his head, waving me off kinda.

I looked down and back up before looking out the window.

He finally began driving and I kept looking out the window.

"Aye Im finna go out. Ima take you home aight?"

I felt tears roll down my face.

"Are you cry- man fuck is you crying for?" He asked, rolling his eyes.

"Nothing. You don't fucking care anyways"

"Y/N don't do that"

"You don't!"

"Yes I-"

"Don't lie to my face Sharife" I said, soft.

"Just tell me what's wrong"

"All I'm asking for is a little bit of your time and attention.. is that so hard?"

"I'm trying but-"

"But everything else is more important? Yeah, figured that"

"Baby don't-"

"Oh now I'm baby? Wow"

"Y/N.. stop it"

"I just..." I said, taking a breath.

"Sharife I'm your girlfriend, right?" I asked and he nodded as he pulled into my driveway.

"So act like it" I damn near begged. "Please"

"I do-"

"Sharife. Not speaking to me, not wanting me to hug you, texting folks smiling and shit and waving me off when I ask who is NOT treating me like a girlfriend! I never have any of your attention and you spend most of your time either with a basketball or with your friends and I'm sick of it! Every time I ask to do something you already get something planned or sum. Not to mention I'm mad deprived! Like damn, when is it Y/N and Sharife time? Haven't had that in a while" I said, as more tears dropped from my eyes.

He wiped my tears.

"I'm sorry mamas, I really didn't catch myself, I swear. You know I love you with everything in me and I hate that I mad you feel unwanted. Want me to cancel my plans for this week and we can chill?"

I nodded and so did he. He texted for a minute before looking up.

"Yo ma not home?"

I shook my head no, not seeing her car.

He got out, motioning for me to follow him.

I unlocked the door and he shut it, locking it back.

When I turned around I was picked up.

"You said you deprived right?" He asked in my ear.

I whimpered lowly before nodding.


"Yes" I whimpered out.

He chuckled before responding.

"I gotchu, lemme make it up to you"

I smiled as he took me upstairs.

Well at least Ima get my time with him

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