Chapter Six: Suilad Ada {Hello Father}

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Hey guys! So, does everyone remember when Thorin finished his monologue where he confronted Thranduil about him abandoning the dwarves, he spat something at him? I asked my friend who's an expert on Lord of the Rings, and she told me it was something in Khuzdul, the dwarfish language. I googled what he actually said and I think it was something along the lines of "Die a death of dragon fire!" or something like that. Idk. Just a little fun fact in case anyone was curious like I was.

From the bottom of the short stairway extending to the platform beneath the throne of the king, I stood, staring. It was all I could do. I stood, Legolas at my side, words reaching my ears that I had almost expected to hear.

"There are gems in the mountain that I too desire," Thranduil said. I was not surprised that whatever conversation they had been having had come to this subject. Nothing mattered more to the king of the Woodland Realm than those gems.

"White gems of pure starlight," the king continued. He then bowed his head to Thorin in what I knew to be a false show of respectful request. "I offer you my help."

My jaw dropped open. I knew exactly what those words meant. He would exchange the dwarf company's freedom for the chance to get the gems back.

After a long pause, Thorin uttered his reply. "I am listening."

My eyes widened as I stared at the back of Thorin's head, wanting to believe I had heard him wrong. He had made a promise to me that I would have the gems. How could he betray me like this?

"I will let you go," Thranduil said, smug and sure that he had Thorin in his grasp. "If you but return what is mine."

I felt myself becoming angry, an emotion I rarely felt anymore, but Thorin was showing that he was not the honest person I had thought him to be.

"A favor for a favor?" Thorin took a few steps away from the elf in front of him, turning and facing away from him.

"You have my word," the elven ruler told him. "From one king to another."

As Thranduil spoke those words, Thorin locked eyes with me. My expression revealed my feelings of anger and betrayal towards him, also showing my disbelief at him even considering Thranduil's proposition. But, at the words of, "One king to another," Thorin's face had become clouded over with cold yet escalating fury, and I knew exactly where his thoughts were. He was remembering what the elven king had done to him and his kin. If I knew anything about Thorin, it was that he never forgot or forgave the actions of Thranduil.

And he wasn't the only one. He knew very well my opinion of the man who stood behind him. He was very well aware that Thranduil's tendency to betray the people he claimed to protect also extended to his own daughter, and I knew that he didn't think highly of what he had done to me.

"I would not trust Thranduil," Thorin said, resentment evident in his voice. "The great king to honor his word til the end of all days be upon us." The way he spoke told everyone who could hear that he meant to reveal the king for what he really was. In hearing his words, I knew that he had decided to stay true to the promise he made to me, that that was all he had ever meant to do. I felt ashamed that I had ever doubted him.

"You!" Thorin turned back to Thranduil, utterly furious and ready to release the rage that had been building inside him for a long time.

"Who lack all honor," Thorin continued, stepping towards the elven king, who looked stunned to be so forwardly confronted about his faults. "I have seen how you treat your family and your friends. We came to you once, starving, homeless, seeking your help. But you turned your back."

I could only gaze upon the scene unfolding in front of me, worried that this was about to go too far. The Woodland king that I knew wouldn't have let these accusations get this far, and I took note of the growing fury in his eyes with every word Thorin sneered at him.

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