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Filming today was going to be EXTREMELY weird. Up to this point I haven't had to film any kissing scenes with neither Drew nor Rudy. But today that would all change. While I've come close to it on camera with Drew many times this kiss with Rudy today is suppose to be out of the blue, all JJ's pent up emotions come out and he kisses Sailor.

The scene was a party at Sailor's celebrating John B and Sarah's return. Everyone was in this scene and I'm a little worried about it being awkward me kissing Rudy when behind the scenes I'm making out with Drew constantly.

"Places! Scene 7 take 3 andddd action!" Jonas yells.

On cue I strut out of the Moore estate in an all black bikini with three cups in my hands. "I brought Piña coladas!" Sailor cheers holding them up.

"Sailor don't you have just like beer? Or is it always this fruity shit?" JJ asks.
"Liquor has a high alcohol percentage JJ!" Sailor sings sitting down and handing one to Sarah and one to Kie.

The scene continues until it gets to a fight with Rafe and Sailor. "God Rafe you're such an ignorant asshole! I'm trying to do a nice thing for your sister and here you are fucking high as a kite being an ass to everyone!" Sailor yells.

Rafe scoffs rolling his eyes. "Get off your high horse Sailor, I know you're new here but you should've know a 'party' with all of us here wasn't going to work. It's Pouges vs Kooks it's how it's always been and you need to get that through that thick skill of yours!" Rafe yells.

"Fuck you Cameron!" Sailor hisses before storming off into her house.

"And cut!" Jonas yells. "Great job guys everyone but Rudy and Lennox to the side so we can get scene 8 going!"

Everyone shuffled around while Rudy and I went to my spot leaning against the counter top. "Scene 8 take 1 anddd action!" Jonas yells again.

"God he's such a fucking ass." Sailor grumbles leaning into the fridge.

"S." JJ calls coming into the kitchen. "Hey you ok?" He asks watching as she popped the tab on a white claw.

"Just peachy." She fake grins.

It was silent between the two for a minute before JJ speaks again. "Why do you chase him Sailor?" He finally asks.

Sailor looks up at him confused. "What are you talking about?" She questions.

"Rafe, S! It's so blatantly obvious that you are head over heels for that guy and he treats you like shit." JJ throws his hands up.

"He's not always like that." Sailor shrugs.

"Damnit Sailor can't you be a normal girl and not go after the bad boy who will only break your heart. Go for the guy who will actually care about you!" He yells.

"What the hell is that suppose to mean J-" Sailor was cut off by JJ's lips on hers. For a moment she responds before pushing the boys shoulders back. "Shouldn't have done that JJ." She mumbles turning her head away from him.

JJ scoffs stepping away. "Of course, they always win. Kooks always fucking win!" He yells slapping a water bottle off the counter top and storming out.

"Cut! That was fantastic you two! I think we got exactly what we needed for today. We'll shoot the same scene first thing tomorrow to get different angles on the kiss but you two were amazing." Jonas calls. "Everyone is free to go have a good night guys."

Letting out a deep breath I head off towards my trailer with Maddie and Madison babbling about god knows what. "Can we have a movie night tonight?" Madison asks bringing me back in.

"I'm in." I shrug.

"Same, I'll text the group chat and let everyone know." Maddie grins typing away on her phone. "Who's place?"

"Cait and I can host." I say as we reach my trailer door. "I'm gonna go in and change I'll meet y'all back at my place at say 8?"

"Sounds good." Madison nods. "Bye girlie."

Stepping into my trailer I shut the door behind me and begin undressing from my costume. When the door behind me opened I let out a squeal covering my chest with the shirt I just took off. "Damn it Drew! You really need to stop busting in like tha-" for the second time today I was cut off by lips pressed to mine. Except this time it was real and I didn't pull away. "Not that I'm complaining but, uh what was that for?" I ask biting my lip as I pull away.

"I just wanted to remind you that when may be taking things slow and keeping it on the dl but I still consider you mine." He says pressing his lips to mine again.

I grin against his lips pulling away. "Is somebody jealous of a scripted kiss?" I smirk.

"No." He blushes hiding his face in my shoulder.

I chuckle pulling back and taking his face in my hands. "Don't worry, I consider you mine too." I smile looking into his blue eyes.

Drew stares at me for a moment. "Then officially be mine. Be my girlfriend. We can still keep it on the DL with fans but maybe we can tell our friends so we don't have to hide it around them constantly?"

I can't help the smile that falls on my lips. "I like the sound of that."

"Wait really?" He asks pulling back making me chuckle.

"Yes," I laugh. "I would love nothing more than to be your girlfriend."

Drew just grins leaning down a kissing me again. "How do we tell everyone?" He asks once we break apart.

"I say we have fun with it. We just act all coupley and flirty and I can guarantee someone will ask what the heck is going on." I suggest.

"Sounds like fun. I'm in." He agrees. Tonight should be fun.



Tagged ItsLennox Liked by 64,965 others

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Tagged ItsLennox
Liked by 64,965 others

Elameeeee bts today with the one and only Lennox 👅🍭 (you're all welcome)

-> Rudeth she's a badass no cap
—> ItsLennox that she is

Drewstarkey the way Sailor looks at Rafe🤩
-> ItsLennox flirty eyes 😉😍
-> AustinNorth55 they way Sailor fights with Rafe🤩
*liked by ItsLennox*
—> User1 this relationship is sending me

User2 she's so hot
-> User3 both maddies are hotter
—> User2 that's your ~invalid~ opinion

YaGirlCait Len said hang on let me be sexy af
-> Madelyncline Sailor is the real life tik tok trend •I'm a bitch•

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