Chapter 4

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   Adam looked pissed, but he hadn’t said anything in a few minutes. He was avoiding my gaze as the moonlight shone onto his gorgeous face.

        “We can’t keep doing this.” His voice rang through the darkness, as my heart stopped.

        “I knew this was a mistake, it is hurting too many people after all.” I said as I began to move to get off the bed, but Adam grabbed my waist and pulled me underneath him.

        “You can’t possibly say that this” He pressed his hips into mine, I gasped with pleasure “Is a mistake.” My body was tingly with electricity as he ran his hand softly down my face. “No. You misunderstood me.”

        “Then what did you mean?” I asked, slowly drawing out each word trying to gather my thoughts.

        “We keep on putting ourselves through these loops, toying with the idea that we can’t be together because it may hurt Diana. If our parents deaths only ever taught us one thing, it is that life is too short.” Adam kissed me on the lips briefly, before moving off of me to pull me into his arms facing him. “I am drawn to you, I can’t explain it I just know that it is right.”

        “I feel it too” I said looking into his eyes, as I moved closer against his body.

        “Then lets just stop all of this Diana business. I want to be with you, but you can’t keep worrying about what other people may think or how other people may feel. Because I will not lose you.” His words were making sense. And as he spoke the regret I felt over betraying Diana began to vanish slowly. I still knew that it wasn’t right, but Adam was telling the truth. I was drawn to him as much as he was drawn to me, and no matter how many times we tried to fight our feelings for the sake of others we always ended up in each others arms.

        “Okay.” I finally managed as a soft smile spread across my lips.

        “Okay?” Adam asked as he raised his left eyebrow. I nodded. With one fluid motion Adam was resting in between my legs again, hovering over my body.

        “On one condition.” I said as Adam’s lips grazed mine.

        “Anything?” He whispered seductively into my ear.

        “We keep this a secret, at least for a while.” Adam didn’t looked pleased, but he nodded before his lips crashed into mine.

        I had never woken in the arms of another before this day, and I liked it. Adam slept peacefully next to me, his arms encompassing my body. If grandma had walked in at this moment I’d be sure that she would begin to question her grand daughters purity, but there was no need for that. Adam was a gentleman after all. Slowly I moved out from under his arms, closing my bedroom door softly behind me pulling on a t-shirt. I was sitting at the kitchen counter eating a bowl of frosty flakes when two arms wrapped around my waist, as Adam’s chin rested on shoulder from behind.  

        “So you’re healthy in the morning?” His voice sent thrills through my body.

        “Well grandma isn’t here, so no one can stop me. Plus” I swiveled in my chair, pushing my head back to look at his face. “I know that you are secretly hoping I left some for you” I finished with a wicked smile. A large grin began to emerge at the edges of Adam’s lips, as he bent his head to kiss me. As our lips began to move more quickly he pulled away sharply, to rest his head on my forehead.

        “mmm good morning” Adam said as he kissed the top of my head. “have you heard from your grandma lately?” He asked as he began to pour himself a bowl of cereal, before sitting next to me.

        “Nope.” I said shaking my head. “The last time I had heard from her was about a week ago. And every time I try to call her, she’s either busy or asleep. But she is supposedly to be back next week. I think we will just have to wait and see.” Adam took my hand squeezing it slightly, as he swallowed a mouthful of cereal.

        “I don’t like the idea of you staying here all by yourself. You are more than welcome to stay with me, at least until your grandma gets back. Dad won’t mind.” His offer was so inviting but if Diana found out, and we were supposed to be keeping us a secret. At least for now. Sleeping at Adam’s house was definitely going to send the wrong message. And with everything going on with the Witch Hunters and my dark magic, we most definitely didn’t want to divide the circle.

 “I was thinking of asking the girls to stay with me for a while, just until Gran gets back. Even though your offer sounds a lot more enticing.” Adam knew what I was getting at, we both knew that being together was not going to be the most easiest thing.

“Are boy’s invited to this slumber week?” He asked with a hint of hope in his eyes.

“Unfortunately girls only. Anyway don’t we have a date today?” I had finished my cereal and was loading my bowl into the dishwasher.

“Yes we do!” Adam sounded excited as he almost jumped off his chair and place his bowl in the dishwasher, closing the door after.

        “And where shall this date me?” I asked wrapping my arms around his neck.

        “You will just have to wait and see.” As Adam’s lips captured mine a sense of thrill passed through my body, he was breathtaking. “I’ll be back in about an hour. Be ready to go.” And with that he left.

        I had showered and dressed in record time, deciding on a fresh pair of jeans and a dark green t-shirt. Thinking it might be a little chilly outside, I grabbed my leather jacket and through it over my handbag. I felt like a eager prom date, waiting to be called on to dance. But I couldn’t help the excitement that spread through every inch of my body as the front door finally rang. Waiting a few seconds before I opened the door, I was somewhat disappointed to find that it was Jake and not Adam.

        “Oh hey Jake.” I said peering over his shoulder, to see if I could spy Adam. I couldn’t. Letting out a slight sigh I returned my gaze to Jake.

        “Wow do you welcome everybody that way into your home? Or just the ones you like the most.” I stepped aside to let him in, leaving the door open to wait for Adam.

        “I was just about to head out actually, but…” Jake was smiling “You already knew that.” Jake nodded, a mischievous smile spread across his lips.

        “I did, but that’s not why I’m here.” I placed my hands on my waist, waiting for Jake to elaborate. “I went to your Dad’s house, but it doesn’t look like anyone had been living in there for a while. I was thinking that we should break in and see if we can do a locator spell, for the last person who inhabited the house. It might be a long shot but…”

        “I think that’s a great idea Jake.”

        “Yes Jake very helpful” Adam’s harsh voice called from behind me.

        “Great!” Jake exclaimed ignoring Adam. “We should get a move on then. Now should I call the circle or?” He pointed to Adam and I.

        “I’ll do it. What is the address of the house?”

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