Chapter 11

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"I am serious Jake." I moved behind the kitchen bench to turn the coffee pot on, as two arms circled around my waist. "Don't touch me." I unclasped his hands, as I felt his body lean into me.

"Don't deny it Cas, you and I have this unspoken connection." I scoffed as I rolled my eyes, at his words. His lips softly caressed my neck as a thrill ran through my body. I quickly turned around placing a hand against his chest to push him away.

"Adam isn't even gone five minutes and your already trying to sleep with me?" I said, raising my left eyebrow.

"I figured we didn't want to waist anytime." He said smugly, as a smirk spread across his lips.

"You are so full of yourself." I tried to rush past him, but he grabbed my waist leaning into me against the bench.

"Maybe." Jake turned his head to either side. "And I know that I am over stepping.." His voice dropped to a whisper as my eyes found his lips.

"You can say that again." I managed to murmur. He was messing with my head, and there was a part of me; a building part, that wanted my current desire to take over. It was stupid of me in the woods, he had caught me at a bad moment. Completely worried about our futures, as he said those sweet things to me. I didn't like him, but I wanted him. "No." I said firmly moving out of his grasp and started heading towards one of the bedrooms.

"Don't act like we are a mistake Cas." His voice called as I slammed the bedroom door.

I found a book in one of the dusty draws in the bedroom. It was something about a princess and a dragon. To be honest I wasn't paying much attention, I just needed something to distract myself with until Adam would come back. Everything would be ok, I assured my self. We would find a way to defeat the witch hunters, and find my father. I hadn't noticed the sky change until a soft knock came at the door.

"You can honestly piss off Jake, I'm not leaving this room." I rolled onto my back, wrapping my arms under a pillow.

"Not even for choc-chip cookies?" I could tell from the tone in his voice that he was smiling. Screw him! I got out of bed for the cookies. What can I say? I was freaking hungry. I slowly rose from the bed, and as I unlocked the door I was greeted with a smug Jake.

We ate in silence, as I dunked the cookies into my milk.

"Are you ever going to talk to me?" Jake said breaking the silence.

"Are you going to turn what I say into something sexual involving our bodies joined in some way?" I asked not looking at him. He let out a deep sigh.

"Listen Cas." When I wouldn't look at him he continued. "I like you. I shouldn't have to spell it out like this, but I do. And it sucks that you are with Adam, who is a decent guy despite being a snooty nosed prick."

"Jake!" He just shrugged.

"I'm not going to deny my feelings for you Cassie." He moved to sit next to me, moving my chair so that I was facing him.

"I have a boyfriend Jake." My gaze met his as I slammed the cookie I was eating onto the bench.

"We don't have to tell him." At this I moved away.

"So what you're saying is that you have feelings for me, but you only want to act on them because I have a boyfriend." I folded my arms against my chest, as I narrowed my gaze.

"Thats not what.."

"Oh I'm sorry! You only get hot for me when you think there is a risk we might get caught. Gosh Jake! You really know how to make a girl feel great about herself." Sarcasm was dripping from my every word. To my surprise Jake didn't say anything in response to my fuming rant. He rose from his seat and within a few steps closed the distance between us capturing my lips in his. I tried to push him away.

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