Chapter 13

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If things were simpler in my life, I probably wouldn't have slept with Jake. And yes on some level I understand that it was a horrible decision, or that it didn't make any sense for me to do so when I so obviously love Adam. Right now I'm convincing myself that nothing happened, that he has no hold over me. And more importantly that I feel comfortable in Adam's arms.

I was watching the clock with fierce intensity, as Adam's chest rest gently against my back with one arm draped over my body. But my heart was thundering in my chest, gaining pace as I heard the front door open and Jake's slow footsteps creep through the cabin. By me staying in would he realize that I wasn't going to pursue our secret sex capaedes? Then another set of footsteps caught my attention. I stood up straight so quickly that Adam rolled of the bed. He was rubbing his head as I placed my finger to my lips shushing him to just listen. His ear cocked to the side towards the door. I could see the register of the numerous footsteps.

"They found us." I whispered. In a rush Adam grabbed my hand hauling me towards the window on the other side of the wall. Pushing it open, the cold air brushed past us making our hair fall backwards.

"You need to get as far away as possible." Adam brushed a piece of hair behind my ear, staring into my eyes.

"Are you freaking serious, who knows how many of them are here. Or even if the witch hunters have actually found us." Just as the last words left my mouth the bedroom door slammed open.

"I take that back." I began looking at the familiar face of one of the witch hunters. "They definitely found us."


"Well, well, well if it isn't the little love birds just about to fly from the nest." I couldn't remember his name as the witch hunter walked slowing into the room, but it was probably something like Mitchel, or bitchel...maybe just bitch. I let out a soft chuckle, stopping as the hunters gaze narrowed onto mine. "What's so funny tiny witch?"

"Oh nothing." I said with a shrug. "Just that you thought you'd beat two full powered witches. I'm just saying" I began to shake my finger at him "Rookie mistake don't you think, Adam." Adam nodded.

"Especially when I am getting really good at playing with fire." Adam clicked his fingers on his right hand, just as a small flame emerged at his fingertips. The hunter took a step back, before rushing us. But Adam was too quick, and as I grabbed his hand the hunter caught a light crumbling into a pile of ashes.

"Well thats new." I said, quickly squeezing Adam's hand.

"Lets go and find the others."

We ran into the living room, jumping over the charcoaled mess. Everyone appeared to be safe, another dead body off to the side.

"They didn't put up much a fight." Diana said cautiously. "Almost as though they were a distraction for something"

"Or maybe they were testing our power." Faye suggested with a shrug. "Seeing what the enemy could do?"

"I'm just not sure how they found us...We covered our tracks and its only been a few days." Melissa leant against the couch, running her hand through her hair.

"I agree." Diana said "It doesn't make much sense."

All of our muscles tensed as the front door swung open, and a rushing Jake ran in. He stopped looking over the faces in the room until he found me. I could see his breathing start to even.

"Where have you been?" Adam asked, with a hint of hostility.

"I needed some fresh air. Clear my head and all that." Jake said, not taking his eyes off of me.

"Is that what the men are calling it these days." Faye said, not merely above a whisper. I narrowed my gaze in her direction.

"What did they want?" Jake asked, finally averting his gaze to the rest of the room.

"We're not sure." I said, sighing deeply. "It's just strange that they were rather easy to get rid of."

"Either way we need to focus on getting out of..." Before Adam could finish a large explosion came from the outside. Through the open door we could see at least twenty hunters approaching the cabin.

"We need to split and regroup." Faye shouted, as she pushed us all towards the back of the cabin.

"Or we could stay and fight." Jake said as he touched Melissa's arm, making a small tornado appear just above his palm.

"There are too many of them Jake" Melissa said, dragging her arm away. "We would all end up getting killed." I large chunk of celling fell from the roof landing a few feet away from us.

"They're going to burn the house down!" Faye screamed, "We have to get out of here now!" We all made a run for it, starting by climbing through the window that Adam had opened in our bedroom. It wasn't really a question of who separated with whom, we all just ran. I could feel them checking the probably now rubbled house, and realizing that we weren't there. And my mind couldn't help but jump to the possibility that we were heading into another trap. But In a matter of seconds my face planted with the ground, as my foot began to ache where it had been caught on an uprooted tree.

"Cassie" I could hear Jake yelling my name as my vision began to clear. I was seeing multiple of him, swerving and diving in front of my face. His words were not clear, but as he hands lifted me into his arms I knew two things. 1. My foot was most likely broken, and 2. The witch hunters were chasing me, not the circle.

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