Chapter 3

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“Did you need a ride home?” Adam leant against the locker next to mine, a soft smile displayed on his face.

“Nope.” I tried to not look at him for fear I would jump at the invitation to spend more time with him. “Diana and I are studying.” I tried to sound casual, maybe the mention of Diana would show him that I still wasn’t ok with us. Not that there was an us, but if there was then I wouldn’t be ok with it. Because of Diana. Clearly.

“Oh” Adam furrowed his brow, “Well I guess, I’ll see you later then.” I sighed.

“Adam” I tried to pick my words carefully, as I touched his arm to stop him from going. “It’s just hard.” Adam smirked.

“Because you like me.” He said with a sigh, whilst still smoking profusely. I shook it off.

“I’ll see you tomorrow.” And I walked away.


“So what do you think you will wear?” Melissa had joined the study date at Diana’s house. I looked at Diana out the corner of my eye, to see how she would react.

“Oh! I’m not sure, but what did you get for question two?” I said looking at my paper, trying desperately to change the subject.

“Twelve. What about the cute dress the you wore last week to school , with the sparrows?” She wasn’t dropping this.

“I think you should wear your black jeans and that blue blouse you have.” Diana said, still looking at her math book. “It really brings out your eyes.” I nodded in acknowledgement.

“Thanks.” I said quickly.


Melissa left rather early, too tired of completing math problems. Diana and I had ordered some pizza, and I was helping her clean it up in the kitchen.

“Are you really ok with me and Adam going out tomorrow?” I said placing my plate in the dishwasher.

“Cassie, don’t worry about it. I see the way he looks at you, and Adam and I are over. I just want him to be happy, and if you make him happy then” She paused “I guess thats the way it is going to be.” She placed the empty pizza box into the recycling and pushed the bin back under the sink.

“Ok.” I said shutting the dishwasher drawer, after placing the other plates in.

“Look. You shouldn’t worry about it. I told Adam that it was ok, and he is clearly acting on it. You are both my friends, and…

“I get it. Thank you.” I knew that it was time for me to leave, as much as I knew Diana was putting on a brave face, she was aching inside. And she no longer wanted to talk about it. As much as it pains me to say it even if Diana wasn’t ok with Adam and I, nothing could keep me away from him. I left, as quickly and politely as I could, starting to walk home in the dark. The moon was shining incredibly bright this evening, lighting up the pathway clearly. Which was helpful given every second street lamp had blown, due to some hooligans chucking rocks. It was only a few blocks away, a little darkness and moonlight never hurt anyone. I had walked three blocks when a car pulled up close behind me. I quickened my pace, but the car would not back off. My heart began to race, and just as I was about to start running the passenger side window rolled down.

“Did you need a ride?” It was Jake. I stopped walking, trying to even my heartbeats.

“You almost scared the crap out of me, Jake!” I placed a hand over my heart, using my other hand to run my fingers through my hair.

“Come on get in, its freezing outside.”

“Yes, but you see I am about two steps away from my house. And I think you knew that, you are my next door neighbor after all.” A soft smile spread across his lips, which I couldn’t help but reciprocate. It was such a sweet smile after all.

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