Chapter 8

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The place was dusty. And dusty was using the word lightly. The small cottage had two rooms and one bathroom. A small living area which was shared with the kitchen. Adam’s dad’s place was right by the lake, which I could imagine would be beautiful at sunset.

“So I guess girls in one bedroom and guys in the other?” Diana asked as she looked in each room. Jake draped his arm around me.

“Actually I was thinking Cassia and I should share a room, given we would be sneaking out to see each other anyway.” Jake’s voice sounded smug.

“That could work.” Diana said cheerily looking at Adam. I removed Jake’s arm.

“Nah. Girls in one and guys in other sounds perfect.” I pushed past Diana into what was now going to be our room, hoping to relieve the room of some dust. I was exhausted. It had taken almost five hours to get here, and Adam wouldn’t let us stop. That reminded me that I needed to use the bathroom. When I was finished in the bathroom I ventured into the living room to find Adam, alone.

“What happened to everyone?” I asked as I watched Adam clean off the kitchen bench.

“They went to get firewood.” He sounded displeased. I had missed something.

“This wasn’t going to be easy.” I said as I place a hand on top of his to stop the cloth from cleaning. Adam wrapped his hands around my waist.

“You’re telling me. How am I supposed to touch you without them second guessing” Adam tucked a piece of hair behind my ear.

“We could tell them the truth?” Adam cocked an eyebrow.

“”I didn’t think you wanted to do that? Because of Diana.”


“I know, but I can’t stand Jake at the moment he is so..”

“Touchy.” Adam said with a scowl. I smiled.

“Yes. Touchy.” As if the fact that we were alone suddenly dawned on us, Adam lowered he head to capture my lips in his. The kiss turned urgent as Adam lifted me onto the counter. His lips skimmed my collar bone, as I wrapped my legs around his waist. I pulled his shirt over his head, before he lifted me and carried us into one of the bedrooms. The process was a bit of a blur, but I was now sitting on top of Adam as he sat on the edge of the bed. His hands found the hem of my shirt and lifted it over my head.

“We should..” His mouth found mine again, and as his tongue entered my mouth a small moan escaped from his lips. “probably” Adam released my lips, continue to kiss a pathway down my chest. My hands were in his hair. drawing him closer. As he flipped us over, so I was underneath him, Adam skillfully took my bra off. “Stop.” I said through a moan, as Adam unclipped the button on my jeans. His body froze.

“What is it?” His voice sounded ragged.

“If they walk in on us..” I said trying to catch my breath.

“They won’t.” He said undoing the zip on my pants. I placed my hand over his, to pause his efforts.

“They might. Then what would we do?”

“We would do this” He pointed to our bodies “All the time” He was smiling one of his wicked grins, that one that made your heart melt. I knew that I wanted it too. I hated hiding us from my friends. And my head was the reason for all of my heart’s mistakes.

“I agree with you. But if Diana walked in on us, it would be more than an “oh they're together.” Adam sighed and rolled off of me to lay beside my head.

“I know you’re right. I just..”

“I know.” I rolled on my side to stare down at him. “But..” My sentence was short lived as the banging of the front door startled us. As quickly as I could I re-assembled my clothing. Unfortunately for Adam his shirt was still in the kitchen.

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