Chapter 17

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A slow clap caught my ear, as I turned my head towards the sound. It was Faye.

"Good job on that one guys" She said smugly, as I took a step away from Jake. "Especially since Adam now has our only means of transport away from this hell hole."

"Piss off Faye." Jake said with a growl. She just rolled her eyes.

"Believe it or not, but us three are now best buds. Stuck together like glue. Peas in a least until I find more decent company" It was my turn to roll my eyes. Wiping away the last of my tears I confronted Faye.

"Don't act like this isn't the best damn day of your life. Like you haven't been waiting for me to fall flat on my face."

"Why on earth would I be happy to see you in pain Cassie." Faye began with a sickening sweet smile. "In the process of you whoring around, you have also royally fucked us all over."

"Don't talk to her that way!" Jake yelled.

"Its fine." I said, placing a hand on his chest to calm him before quickly removing it. "And anyway if anyone it is to blame its Jake for spilling."

"Like you would ever tell him Cas, and that guy needed to know." To my surprise there was little anger in his voice as he spoke. It was the truth after all.

"Anywho.." Faye interrupted "Where do we go from here."

"Cas and I are heading this you can go that way" Jake said, as he pointed in opposite directions.

"Riighhhtt" Faye said, moving towards us. I held my hand up to stop her.

"Nah, ah hold it there slutty lady." I began, before moving my hand to my side. "I am clearly self destructive. Do you really want to be around me?" Faye stretched her neck from side to side, contemplating what I had just said.

"No. But I don't really have a choice. We have no idea where Melissa and Diana are, Adam has gone on hiatus after a bit of heart crushing" I couldn't help but flinch at her choice of words "and to be honest Im not exactly peachy about you two shacking up together trying to make witch babies. Again I have no choice." She clasped her hands together. "So where are we headed?"


To my surprise being around Faye was actually sort of bearable, as long as she wasn't speaking. And for those very few minutes, as we began to walk back into town, life was sort of blissful. I had no idea what in the world I was going to do about Jake, but I knew that we would never be together. At least in the platonic sense. Lets face it, he is rather swoon worthy. And that smirk of his did all sorts of things to my insides.

"Could you stop staring at me." Jake said, breaking my chain of thought. I averted my gaze.

"Sorry." I mumbled to myself, as Faye snorted. Jake stopped, turning to face us as he ran a hand through his hair.

"We should try and find a car, maybe a few supplies. If Cassie has any chance at being able to control her dark magic, we probably need to be somewhere rather secluded. Not to mention it should delay the witch hunters from finding us." As much as I didn't want to, we had filled Faye in on the whole dark magic situation. Not the part that included Jake's idea of how to control it, let me just make that bit clear.

"Sounds like a plan. Lets hurry this up then, cause my feet are aching." I said, as he saw the town in sight.


So we had resorted back to the grade school camping trip. Jake had 'found' us another van while Faye and I gathered supplies. We weren't able to purchase much with the limited cash that we did have. But after a few meters of rope, a tarp, and a few groceries we headed back onto the road, and back into the woods.

"It will do for now." Jake said, as he turned the engine off in the car. "The day's are getting hotter so the tarp should keep some of the heat off the car, and us out of the sun."

"And what exactly are we going to do for food old wise one?" Faye asked, as she rested her arms on either side of our seats.

"We have enough for tonight, tomorrow we might have to resort to nature." Jake took the keys out of the ignition, letting out a deep sigh.

"And where are we all supposed to sleep?" Faye flopped back into her chair.

"Well, Cas and I will take the van and you can go find a tree." Jake got out of the car moving around it.

"Are you seriously going to let your boyfriend talk to me like that?" Faye mentioned smugly.

"He's not my boyfriend for one, and two you shouldn't be too hard on yourself just because Jake prefers blondes." I was over it, and so I did the most lady like thing I could do. Get out of the car, slamming it behind me.

"Oh so now the beauty queen has finally found her backbone!" Faye shouted, as she stormed towards me.

"Don't test me Faye." I said, clenching my fists. I could feel the dark magic coursing through my vains. I closed my eyes, trying to breathe deeply. Jake had disappeared, maybe to get some wood or to scout the area. How could he have moved soo fast?

"You think that you are sooo..." She was standing right in front of me now, merely inches away.

"soo what? Faye? Because I can assure you that what ever perception you have of me is incredibly misguided. How could you possibly have me all figured out when we have barely had more than two decent conversations with each other. If you wan't Jake so badly, stop acting like a bi*" I clasped my face in fury, as I felt the result of her slap linger.

"What is going on out here!" Jake bellowed, rushing towards us. I couldn't see straight, I knew if I didn't gain control then I was going to explode. And Faye would probably turn to a pile of ash. I was still contemplating whether this would be a bad thing. And then just as Jake's hand made contact with my arm, the bursting desire to set something alight faded, and my whole body resounded in calm.

"What was that?" Faye took a step back, looking between Jake and I.

"Nothing." Jake said, moving his body so that Faye could see me as he lowered his voice. His eyes were asking if I was ok, I nodded, and he let go.

"That was definitely nothing. She was about to go all lightening storm mad, and you just touched her...and she stopped." Faye placed her hands on her cheeks, staring at us with fear. I was now watching her intently, seeing her trying to piece things together. As he lips turned into a smug smile I caught my breath, "Your more dangerous than I thought."

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