Six years later..

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It's been six years now since I became sans from my own story I made. It has been interesting to say the most. Now I'm eleven years old now. Dad still works on whatever it is. I babysit while dad was gone but there was grill here to help or otherwise known as the famous grillby that everyone loved from undertale or whatever.

He's older then me and helps out by keeping an eye on us. It has been fun, playing hide and seek with him. It can take up a few hours to find even one of us.

At that point we get bored  and move around playing pranks on him. It is amusing and my brother certainly finds it funny. It catches grill off guard every now and then.

Papyrus likes grill, though his first words are my name of course. I was very proud that day though dad got depressed for a bit that he didn't say dad or pa or papa. I cheered him up later that day though. So I was eleven.. papyrus is now eight years old. He was almost one when I became sans here.

That means he's close to being nine now. I was already planning a birthday party for him with dad and grill. Pap has made a few friends with undyne and alphys. Along with a few other monsters. So they were invited to his birthday party.

Everything is going great so far, which surprises me because I keep expecting something to happen. Though nothing ever did..yet... I thought as I left grill to keep an eye on papyrus while I went for a walk and unlike most of the au's that were sealed underground, we weren't sealed underground but in the clouds.

So I guess it made sense that we have angel wings and halos. I called it undersoul and not underheaven for a reason though. We..are like a soul..kinda. I'm not sure how to explain it..but I'll try to explain it. I called it undersoul because we used our hear..listen to things...we can hear others intentions by the souls, we hear each other's souls, we know what they want, why they want it or need to do something, we know many things by listening to the souls.

That's one of the main reason why I called it undersoul and not underheaven instead. Because underheaven would have been just heaven kind of thing. This..this is different. We listen to each other souls and we can listen to other humans other monsters not from here souls. We can do many things with our souls but I won't say anything about it now. Also for some reason, the clouds we were sealed on was way above the earth, so far up that it was out of earths atmosphere. It was strange now that I think about living here, It was similar to outertale after all. I made this world as a mix of a few originals and au's.

So I was taking a walk, I went to the edge to gaze up at the stars tonight. Dad was working a bit late today. I thought staring and I heard something. I paused and turned around, staring at the portal behind me. I looked, and it was error who was looking around curiously. I got up and walked to him and he noticed. He tensed up, "Your new...what's your name?" I asked him already knowing but acting like i don't know him.

He blinked at me and did something and I guess he was looking at the codes of this world? I thought and he finished reading and got off of it. He looked at me again, "it's error." He said. "Nice to meet you error. Do you want to look at the stars with me?" I asked him  and he silently made his way closer and sat down and stare up to the sky.

I sat down moments later, looking at the stars again. I wonder if he will come back again if he leaves? I thought. Now all we need left is fresh to come over here and he will be welcomed here without a second thought.

After a while of sitting here, I got up. It was time to go, I didn't want to make them worried about me again. "Hey I got to go. So see you next time when you visit. Your welcomed here anytime and any day no matter what anyone says. If I say you're welcomed here, your welcomed here and you can come and go as you please." I said and left, knowing error was staring directly at me as I walked out of view. I teleported to my house, I sat down as papyrus went directly towards me when he felt me come back.

I smiled a little at him as he hugged me and started talking about the day and what he did. Good job paps, I thought as he managed to prank grill a few times without getting caught. I let out a hum, silently tired, but not saying anything as I listened to my brother.

After a while dad got back and grill left to his home. I let out a yawn as dad walked in. "Welcome back dad." I said . "Hi dad!" Papyrus said cheerfully. I had a thought in my mind, how exactly did a human even get up here In the clouds? We were way above the earth, were they an astronaut or something? Or was there something down there that lets them come up here? I didn't make a plan for that, I had a few ideas but I never really finished it exactly. I never did finish the story after all.

There were some things I didn't do or make. Now there are some unexpected things that will happen because of that. I will need to think about it later. I thought as dad made us something to eat and we all eat. Then we watched some TV before heading to bed. I did manage to check dad and papyrus though.

Weapons-gaster blaster, bones, etc

Is happy, protective, having fun, is tired.

Weapons-gaster blaster, bones, etc

Is happy, protective, loves his kids, is tired etc.

Yeah I guess that was my fault, I didn't want them to be..the same like others could have been or be. I wanted them to be powerful in their own right without killing anyone.

I wonder if it's also because I'm here? Well any way when I made this, I made it as a story and not a real kind of thing like undertale or the au's. I didn't want to play by their rules of only having a specific amount of HP or something like that. I made it different and I liked that.

Yes you may say oh that's too powerful or too much HP but I didn't care I made them like this before I ended up here. I won't change it either if I went back now. I made it so all of them were quite powerful but not as much as sans and his family.

Though they are powerful and they aren't as powerful as sans actually is, they are closer then any of the monsters are. So yeah..though it may seem like sans is the weakest monster here, since I hid my real stats. The sans that I made would do the same thing. He was actually the strongest there is here and out of here.

At least that's how I made him, now me as. It's  a bit strange I guess. Depending on how others might view it. They may say it's impossible or I shouldn't do that but I still did it anyways. It wasn't like a real thing just made up. But oh well I didn't regret it at all. I also met fresh recently. He was a very cool dude.

I invited him to my brothers birthday along with error a while back. They both came, though they were surprised to see each other's here, they(mostly error) stayed away from each other. It was an interesting party. I claimed them as part of the family so I smiled at them. I should probably sleep now since it's getting late. I thought as I fell asleep on my bed.

I finally finished at 1433 words! Yay! Also I'll do flashbacks on meeting fresh and the birthday party sometime later after they end up in undertale ok? So be patient. Well hope you enjoy and comment what you think about this chapter! Ja ne~!

Reborn as sans from UnderSoul Where stories live. Discover now