Two days later...

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It's been some days since we ended up in undertale... though it's only been two days since my dad got a job to work at.

It has been an...interesting week... first off, they had celebrated Christmas, got different kinds of things for each monster living there, second off, he almost fell and one of the sans caught him and it ended up being a bit awkward since they both the ended  up falling to the ground and almost kissing, yikes that would have been troublesome if anyone saw that, luckily no one was around since they all went out earlier.

The third thing to happen was that two new pair of brothers came from the malfunction. The first pair of brothers are from..underlust? Soul thought feeling a bit confused if he remembered the name correctly.

They wanted to be called honey and hearts. So that's what he calls them by.

The second pair of brothers came from, was abysstale, he recognized them a bit more cause he actually watched the comics on YouTube up until the last one and he was sad that there wasn't anymore comics after 20, he doesn't remember the exact number there was but there was around 20 comics posted on YouTube that he watched.

It was pretty interesting and he loved it, sigh.. he wished he could see more before this happened but oh well. He gets to meet the real abyss sans so it was all good.

Though it looks like it might be in between  the the comics he watched since when they saw each other, they both latched onto each other on hugs.

So he was guessing it must shave either been recently after the first few comics, or farther in the comics for abyss sans... he thought feeling a bit of concern cause he knew abyss had to fight...uh shoot he forget the name again...

Well either way, he may have not been able to see it, but he know that battle was going to be a tough one and the abyss would need every help that he can get.

Soul thought as he went over the last few days in his mind.

~flashback to the second day after abysstale brother arrived along with the underlust brothers~

It has been a day since the machine malfunctioned again and sent two new pair of brothers here. It.. was interesting to say the least.

Especially when one of my favorite sans showed up because of it. Soul thought feeling delighted at meeting abyss.

Though the two brothers were hugging each other like the life depended on them, and he fussed it was around the time that they both got separated from each other and are traveling throughout the whole multiverse.

So soul showed them to their rooms and the underlust brothers to their rooms. It was pretty late tonight so he would let them sleep and inform the others in the morning.

He was only awake cause he was having trouble sleeping and he's surprised the noise didn't wake anyone up when the pair of brother arrived.

So he set an alarm clock early enough to be able to inform the papyrus's and swap sans in the morning before the sans and swap papyrus's get up.

So he woke up around five in the morning and headed downstairs after changing clothes.

He entered the kitchen, "good morning other brothers!" Papyrus said joyfully.

"Morning, two new pairs of brothers came sometime last night..just to let you know." Soul told the papyrus's and swap sans who were in the kitchen at the moment.

They stared at soul with a hint of surprise, "last night? But we didn't even hear the machine malfunction? Do you know what they want to be called yet?" Blue asked me with surprise.

Soul nodded a bit, "I have a guess for a pair of the brothers but the other two I don't know yet. We will have to wait until everyone is awake." Souls told them.

They nodded and started making breakfast for everyone including the extra two pairs of brothers.

When it was finally time for the other sans and papyrus's besides the newer two pairs of brothers came down, they stared at bit in surprise.

There were four extra plates, "um.. Bro was there anyone coming over that we forgot  about?"sans asked his brother.

"Hm? No, but we do have two extra brothers here to stay now." Papyrus told his brother and they star in surprise.

"Wait but we didn't hear the machine malfunction?" Red said startled.

"Hmm we didn't either but apparently soul did somehow." Razz said.

Just then when they others started to eye soul, was when the two newer pairs came downstairs. Then everyone's eye sockets.

The two new pairs froze a little bit relaxed a bit when they saw soul there too. Since soul was so nice to them.

"Hello other mes and brothers! I'm the amazing blue and this is my brother stretch!" Blue told them and one by one they started to all introduce each other to the two new pairs of brothers to come.

It went up until it was souls family turn to introduce themselves to the two new pairs.

"You may know me as gaster but you may call me celestial." Dad told them with a smile on his face.

"I'm Angel and souls brother." Angel said looking proud.

"And you may know me from last night and as angels brother and celestial son, soul. What do you want to be called?" Soul asked them.

They looked thoughtful, well besides abyss, he probably just wants to stay by abyss as his nickname.

"I'm abyss sans, so you may call me abyss." Abyss told them.

"I'm abyss's brother, so you can call me void if you want to." Void told them with a smile.

"Hmm well Darlings, you may call me honey and my brother hearts." Honey said with a joyful tone.

Soul nodded at that, "..well then welcome to classics home, abyss, void, honey, and hearts. If you need anything just ask and we will see what we can do." Soul told them and they looked grateful.

~end of flashback~

And that's what happened the second day...he will have to think more about this some other time, looks like it was time for a nap..

And I finished with 1139 words, finally. Sorry it took so longer but I ran out of ideas for this chapter until I finally got one. I have an idea about some chara's and swap frisk meeting the original undersoul and all but I need a chapter before it, so can you help me out by giving me ideas?

Thank you and hope you comment what you think and check my conversation out and see if you want to be apart of that one story as a special chapter if you have read it or need to read it or something.

Ja ne~!

Undersoul, soul, angel, celestial
Underswap, papyrus/stretch, sans/blue
Fellswap, sans/black, papyrus/orange
Undertale, sans, papyrus /classics/creampuff
Underfell, sans/red, papyrus/edge
Swapfell, sans/razz, papyrus/slim
Horrortale, papyrus/sugar, sans/axe
Mafia tale, papyrus/bones, sans/guns
Outertale, sans/outer, papyrus/star
Dancetale, sans/dance, papyrus/tango
Echotale, sans/g, papyrus/green
Sugartale, sans/cotton, papyrus/peppermint
Underlust, sans/honey, papyrus/hearts
Abysstale, sans/abyss, papyrus/void/idk

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