Error...and fresh...

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...both error and fresh stared at each other...frowning...

Then they looked back at the au that they were in, " didn't find them did you?" Error asked and fresh shook his head.

"No bruh, I didn't find them..where do you think they ended up at?" Fresh asked error who was still frowning but shrugged his shoulders.

"Don't know." Error responded to fresh as they glanced around.

"Hmm..well I can tell that the au is a bit maybe a malfunction in the machine from one of the other aus brought them to an au? But which one?" Fresh told error, deciding that could have happened to their new friends of undersoul..

"Hmm..there's a few..we will look through them briefly to determine if they are there or not." Etror told fresh who nodded, they did one last search before they left undersoul, barely getting missed by a very curious ink who wanted to know why this original froze on itself.

Both spilt up and started looking through the aus, it was going to take them a while before they found the correct au or where soul and his family was at, they knew this and that's why they spilt up to look, it will be a bit faster that way. They thought while fresh headed one way and error went the other with some help.

Fresh hummed, looking through aus similar to souls and not similar, mostly like ones like outertale or how the au acts like and some others, just in case, he doesn't know if soul ended up in an au similar to his own or not but better safe then sorry, am I right?

Error on the other hand, just searched through every au that's as close to himself, along with checking some aus he knows that had the machine that malfunctioned, he didn't find them yet but it might take a while since there's more then just a few that had a machine malfunction and end up elsewhere and all that.

That's why he also enlisted the charas and swap frisks help. It might still take a while but it will cut the time short by quite a bit since the charas and swap frisks will check their aus and some others as well.

Error just hopes that soul and his family is in an au because if they aren't...he's going to have to look in some..other places for better not have had anything to do with soul and his family being missing or so help him, he will destroy a lot of aus for that...

Fresh glanced around the au he was in, humming and checked which au he was in this time. Hmm he's in outerfell, he hasn't seen them yet..maybe he should check a few more spots before he leaves the au for the next one..fresh decided and sneaked around to look in said spots before leaving to the next au..

This was going to take a while..they both thought at the same time as they continued to move...


And finished with 594 words, I'm sorry it's so short but I couldn't add anything else to it and I'm now out of ideas for any chapter after this..

But I do hope you like and comment what you think

Ja ne~!

Undersoul, soul, angel, celestial
Underswap, papyrus/stretch, sans/blue
Fellswap, sans/black, papyrus/orange
Undertale, sans, papyrus /classics/creampuff
Underfell, sans/red, papyrus/edge
Swapfell, sans/razz, papyrus/slim
Horrortale, papyrus/sugar, sans/axe
Mafia tale, papyrus/bones, sans/guns
Outertale, sans/outer, papyrus/star
Dancetale, sans/dance, papyrus/tango
Echotale, sans/g, papyrus/green
Sugartale, sans/cotton, papyrus/peppermint
Underlust, sans/honey, papyrus/hearts
Abysstale, sans/abyss, papyrus/void/idk


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