Fresh meets undersoul flashback

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The first time fresh stumbled across this new radical place, was a weird day for him. Since he found out that error was somehow freed from fates strings after coming here.

So fresh had decided to check the radical original out and when he got there, he didn't notice anything different happening to least for now...

Well anyways, fresh started walking around, curious about this rad place that's he's never been before. Then he met the sans of this original.

"Oh..hi there..your new too..welcome to our home, whats your name?" The sans asked him.

"Yo yo wassup my new radical broski! This rad dude here is fresh!" Fresh said with a smile.

"Hello fresh. My name is sans, your welcomes here anytime when you want to come here." The sans told him and fresh blinked and tilted his head at that. He...was welcomed here? Why wasn't this sans afraid of him? Fresh wondered and was about to ask when this papyrus came running up to his brother.

"Sans! Dad said it's almost time for dinner!" This papyrus said to his brother.

The sans blinked, "ok bro, hey fresh do you want to join us for dinner?" The sans asked and fresh agreed, if Only to get answers from the sans later.

Though what did surprise fresh was when he met a gaster, he doesn't meet gasters often because they fall into the void and yet this one didn't? He wondered how this gaster managed to avoid his own fate. He'll ask the sans of this original later after dinner. Fresh decided and waited until they were finished.

For some reason they weren't bothered by him taking sans away for a bit. He wondered why they weren't bothered by that. He shrugged it off for now, knowing that he could come back and ask at a different time.

"Yo brah, what's up with this rad place? And how did your gaster avoid falling into the void? Why am I welcomed here? Why aren't you afraid?" Fresh questioned the sans who blinked at him.

"First off, dad didn't need to avoid falling into the void, our au won't allow him to fall in, your welcomed here because everyone deserves a place they can be at without fear, second off, this different from a Any aus you every been too, third, why should I be afraid of you? You haven't done Anything to me or my family. So your welcomed here any time." The sans told him and fresh blinked.

"If that is all, I shall go back Into the house, your welcomes to stay the night, just make sure to tell my family if you do, I'm a bit tired right now, so I'll answer any other questions later when you ask again. So good night." The sans said and let out a yawn as he headed inside.

Fresh toon the offer about staying the night and told the gaster and the papyrus about it and that the sans said he could.

They allowed it and gave in a room to sleep in. Through fresh did stay awake over the next few hours before letting himself fall asleep. Though when it was morning, fresh had made them breakfast and ate some before he left and had also left a note for them.

"Yo! Sorry brahs! I had to go early in the morn, I have some things I need to take care off, so hope you have a tubular day! See you all next time I visit this rad place!" From fresh.

They smiled, feeling a bit amused by this, then then ate the breakfast that fresh made and went about their day as if nothing had happened or something.

Meanwhile back to fresh, fresh was busy at the moment with visiting Error to talk about this 'new' rad place he had found though fresh didn't mention the au name so error didn't know fresh was talking about undersoul.

He didn't find out until the party..boy was he in for a surprise but until then, he listened to fresh telling him about the rad au he was in and didn't mention too much to give away the au just yet.

And it continued on for the entire day.

Finally finished with 720 words! Yay! Finally! Hope you like and comment what you think! Ja ne~!

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