Finally they meet again

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Fresh called error on his phone and a few seconds later error answered, "yes? Did you finally find them?"

"Yeah broski, I found them, their in the original au." Fresh responded and error fell silent for a few minutes before responding again.

"The original? The one that started everything?"

"Yes. I just checked and I saw souls brother." Fresh replied back, a small smile on face, he knew were his friends where at-or family since undersoul sans did adopt him and error as family.

A portal then opened up near fresh who blinked as error walked through, hanging up his phone.

"Let's go and visit..and maybe see if we can get them back to their au.." error told fresh who nodded and error opened up another portal and walked through with fresh following behind.

Meanwhile, soul was just mostly chilling on the couch until he felt two familiar magic energies heading his way and sat up quickly, a brief delight expression crossing his face and left the home to wait outside.

A few moments later, both error and fresh appeared, leaving the portal and closing it behind themselves.

Soul has a pleased look on his face as two of his family members were finally back, "error, fresh."

Soul greeted the two, a slight smile on his face, "finally found you, it took us a week outside the timelines and aus time." Error grumbled a bit, arms crossing.

"Yo yo yo! Wassup bruh! It's been a while." Fresh cheerfully chirped out a bit, waving one hand in souls direction.

"It has been a while, it wasn't that long for us, I don't think, I didn't really pay much attention to how long we ended up here, it was just unexpected about the machine." Soul hummed a bit, hands in his pockets as he was wearing comfortable clothing.

"Paps and dad are out back sparring with each others, oh, right, I'm called soul, paps is angel, dad is celestial." Soul told the two.

Error just hummed a bit, fresh gave him the finger guns at that with a grin.

"Ok, let's go visit them, it's been a while since they last saw you two as well." Soul turned around and re entered the house followed by error and fresh.

Soul opened the back door and leaned against it, an amused grin on his face, "hey, look who finally showed up."

Both angel and celestial turned their heads to face soul within a few seconds after pausing on their spar, angels face lit of with a happy grin and headed over.

Celestial just smiled a bit and followed behind a little slower than angel.

"Error! Fresh! It's been too long since we got to hang out!" Angel bounced a little bit after he stopped in front of the two who had stepped out from the house to go and greet the other two of their adoptive family.

"It's been way too long broski!" Fresh waved one hand in the air a little bit as he talked.

"Too long. It took us a while to find you three after we visited your au." Error mumbled, one hand going to his scarf and pulling it up over his mouth a bit.

Angel just smiled happily, "way too long!"

Angel agreed, "let's spar! It's been a bit since we have sparred!"

"After the current spar bro." Fresh reassured angel who grined happily at that.

Angel turned around and just dragged their dad back to continue the spar so he could spar with his other two siblings.

Celestial just had a fond grin on his face, even though he didn't get to talk to the other two just yet, he can after this.

Error pulled his strings out and made himself a hammock to rest in as he watched angel and celestial spar while fresh briefly left in a fresh poof before popping back up with his own chair to sit in as they waited.

Soul just grinned a little bit, he may usually have a passive look on his face, but his family has always been more on the exception for that...

Soul just turned around and headed back inside- ah, nevermind, he thought as errors strings wrapped around his chest area and pulled him back outside and set him down on another hammock that was made instantly with errors strings.

Error just gave soul a look, as if to say, you are not leaving my sight for a while this time.

Soul huffed a little bit but accepted it and settled down to watch.

Finished with 843 words! Finally! Sorry this took forever! It's been a while since I could get on this story to even update cause writers block is a pain in my butt for a lot of different stories, so I might have forgotten something's, I'll have to re read this to make sure I didn't miss anything lol.

Hope you like and comment what you think!

Ja ne~!

Ink, error, fresh
Undersoul, soul, angel, celestial
Undertale, sans, papyrus
Underswap, papyrus/stretch, sans/blue
Fellswap, sans/black, papyrus/orange
Undertale, sans, papyrus /classics/creampuff
Underfell, sans/red, papyrus/edge
Swapfell, sans/razz, papyrus/slim
Horrortale, papyrus/sugar, sans/axe
Mafia tale, papyrus/bones, sans/guns
Outertale, sans/outer, papyrus/star
Dancetale, sans/dance, papyrus/tango
Echotale, sans/g, papyrus/green
Sugartale, sans/cotton, papyrus/peppermint
Underlust, sans/honey, papyrus/hearts
Abysstale, sans/abyss, papyrus/void/idk


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31 ⏰

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