A few days later..

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It's been a few days since we ended up here in classics universe. I thought as I stared out the window.

Dad and angel were practicing against each other right now. I didn't want to be outside just yet, so I was mostly content with watching from the inside.

I noticed that some of the fells were watching as well. I don't know if they were in awe or alarmed that my dad and brother are stronger then them. I thought and decided I was going to ignore them for now.

I blinked as I saw my family at a stand still..for now at the least..i thought and looked around real quick. I hid a smirk, I'm going to mess with them real quick. I thought and summoned one of my bone attacks. I had it out from the window that I opened and closed.

I watched as he went right to behind my brother, I had my bone poke him from behind, catching my brother off guard. I saw angel look behind him and had my bone move away to do the same with dad.

I felt amused, it's been a while since I've messed with them, I thought and poked my dad with my bone attack and hid it when he looked behind him.

I saw some of the other sans gather in the living room to watch this happen. Some looked amused, others not so much.

Then after a few movements, right before they can start up again, I had my bone attack float out in front of them in the middle and let it past. They both watched as the bone attack Floated off to the side. I saw realization struck the both of them. They both looked over to the house and at me. I gave them an innocent look that they didn't believe for one second.

"Sans! Why? I know you like to mess with us every now and then but was this necessary?" Angel whined out a little bit. Mostly because today is one of those days where dad and angel train together.

I shrugged my shoulders, "I don't know bro, was it necessary to skip on taking a break earlier?" I questioned back to him with a knowing look.

My brother pouts and dad gives him a stern look.

"Touche." Angel said sulking a little and dad walked over to give angel a stern talk about taking breaks.

I then walked away from the window, my job here is done, I thought and sat down on the couch to watch some TV. 

I get both pleased and smug. Now my brother has no choice but to take a break. I thought very pleased with myself. I then switched the channel and ended up watching some show about the ocean. We didn't have an ocean but we had a pond and a small river from where we lived.

I watched the TV for a while before I decided I needed to do something..but what? I don't usually talk much to many besides my family and friends. I also doubt that I'm close enough to the other sans and papyrus's to even talk to them like my family and friends.

It's just a bit different I guess..I thought and glanced at where some of the sans where.

I don't know what they are planning...I thought... would this be a good time to try and talk to them? I thought curiously and tilted my head in thought.

I stared at them for a bit, noticing that I caught outer's attention. He waved me over, I blinked before I got up and headed over to him. Wondering why he waved me over. I stopped right by him, "hey soul." Outer said and I nodded at that.

"Do you want to join us?" Outer's asked me and I tilted my head with a questioning look.

"Oh you want to know what we are up to, right?" Guns said. I nodded at what he said. "Ok well..we are planning...a small party, it's a surprise for the papyrus's. It's like a small celebration of meeting each other and all." Blue told me, excited about it.

I blinked at that, a surprise? Hmm...I'm going to have to add some decorations from my home then. I thought and listened in on their plans. The things we do for our bro's... I thought hiding a smile.

"...I'll add some decorations from my home..." I told them quietly. It startled many of them that I talked since I don't talk much except for that one time on the first day here.

"Ok, we will look forward to seeing what it looks like. Now, what kind of foods should we do? Should it all be different to fit what our bro's like to eat? Or will it be something that they haven't tried just yet?" Classic asked his counterparts.

Some looked thoughtful, "I say we do our bro's favorites, I'm pretty sure most of them will appreciate it." Red told us looking a bit grumpy.

I thought maybe he was tired or something. I don't think I will get what's up with him..at least for now..i thought.

So I will will be decorating, classic, black, razz, and cotton will be distracting the papyrus's for that day. Blue will be cooking and when I finish with the decorations, I will help blue. Red and axe will make sure we have everything along with some shopping.

Then we got guns, who will be...shopping for something different? Was he going to look for some presents for our bro's or something? I wondered and decided to ask later.

Dance and outer will be setting some things up, so if they wanted a dance battle or singing competition with each other, they can.

I'll have to add in dad, I'll have him do something... that involve what we do on certain days back home. I thought and we hooded, some of us had to do some things early. I'll start on the decorations, I know that they won't have it here so I'll have to hand make them. I'll need supplies first so I ended up going shopping that same day to buy what I needed exactly.

I sneaked back into the house, carefully making sure no one was near and took a shortcut to my room to get started.

I tensed up when I noticed someone was in my room but relaxed when I saw it was just dad.

"Hi dad." I said and he gave me a look.

"So yeah..we are planning a small party to celebrate meeting each other. I..want you to do some things.. remember that day and what we had?" I asked and dad looked thoughtful before realization crossed his face. He nodded at my question.

"Yeah I'm going to need you to get that or make it if you can. It should..'brighten' them up a bit." I said and felt amused.

Celestial chuckled at that, "very well soul. I'll make sure it's here on time..what day will it be?" Celestial asked his son.

"It will be in about two to three weeks from now." Soul said to his dad who nodded and left the room.

Soul stared at where his dad was before he started working on the decorations. It probably won't be exactly how it was back home but he can make it to be as close as he can. He thought and started getting to work.

He wasn't even half way finished when he heard a knock at his door and froze. He relaxed a few seconds later when he heard blues voice about getting ready for dinner. Soul glanced at the time to see it was almost time for dinner to start and quickly got up. Changing into more comfortable clothes for the day.

Soul walked out and into the kitchen to see it all set up and some of the others already there. They waited until the rest were here before they started eating. 

When soul finished, he cleaned his plate and walked back upstairs to work on the decorations for a little while before he got ready for bed and fell asleep.

Sorry it's probably not what you expected and all. Though I hope you like and comment what you think. Yes I'll do a chapter about the party hut it may be small and not too soon yet. I still have at least two more different chapter before the party and it's about error and fresh ok? Also words are 1518. Ja ne~!
Undersoul, soul, angel, celestial
Underswap, papyrus/stretch, sans/blue
Fellswap, sans/black, papyrus/orange
Undertale, sans, papyrus /classics/creampuff
Underfell, sans/red, papyrus/edge
Swapfell, sans/razz, papyrus/slim
Horrortale, papyrus/sugar, sans/axe
Mafia tale, papyrus/bones, sans/guns
Outertale, sans/outer, papyrus/star
Dancetale, sans/dance, papyrus/tango
Echotale, sans/g, papyrus/green
Sugartale, sans/cotton, papyrus/peppermint

I may change some of their nicknames later on so don't be surprised to see if any nicknames change.

Also if you want to see more sans and papyrus's then comment what aus, the nicknames for which ones, and if it's both brothers or something like geno, ink, Dream, dust, or nightmare, kind of thing.

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