The next day..

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Soul woke up, he noticed right away that he was somewhere different and then he remembered yesterday.

Ah I'm in undertale...he thought sitting up. He needed to get his dad and pap-angel. He thought and wondered if error or fresh noticed they were gone yet.

He was a bit concerned as to how they will react to that but he's sure everything will turn out fine..just fine he tried reassuring himself knowing that it probably won't turn out fine when those two come to look for him and his family.

But for now, he should make some breakfast for them and wait for his dad and angel to come and find him.

So he went downstairs and to the kitchen. He noticed that it was quite early, early enough for the ones that usually walk up early before their lazy brothers were still asleep.

Soul shrugged it off and started making some pancakes and eggs. He had brought out some of the plates and glasses.

He will wait for them to chose what they want to drink. It didn't really matter to soul much.

As long as he's family and friends were safe and happy then he was happy.

He thought and waited for a while before other papyrus's or sans were up. He waited until he saw his dad and brother. He heard good mornings and thanks for breakfast. He nodded and walked over to his dad and brother.

"...time to eat..." soul said quietly. Celestial and angel nodded at that and sat next to soul and began eating.

The others loved the cooking, celestial and angel always loved souls cooking even though he cooks for them everyday when he's up early in them morning. Though celestial and angel still cool, it's not as great as souls cooking since soul somehow always manages to wake up before them no matter what time it is. They even tried waking up at midnight and he was already up making them breakfast. They decided to stop because they didn't want soul to get up at that time because they wanted to cook breakfast for him. Sigh...

After they finished, they decided it was time to ask soul if he remembered. So they followed him as he went outside to go sit for a while. " you remember?" Celestial asked his oldest. Causing soul to look at them.

"Of course I remember...I don't know why they kid liked trying to kill me so much or how they even got there when we are above the earth but..I have to comfort you two. I also don't know what happens after I died so I don't know if anything else happened that I need to know to help you two... but at least you two know and can comfort each other when I can't." Soul told them and they hugged him.

They talked for a few hours before heading inside. And soul went to take a nap. Leaving them in the living room.

And I'm cutting it there, 511 words. Sorry it's so short but I was really stuck with this chapter and decided to cut it short. Don't worry the next chapter will be a lot longer and out sooner since there are some chapters I started before this one. So the next one will be finished soon so you can look forward to two updates this week or so. Hope you comment what you think. Ja ne~!

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