Flashback of the party..

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Since the party was going to be starting soon, others have already gathered since they were invited.

Papyrus invited like..everyone. I invited fresh and error since I was the only one who met them.

Papyrus was excited, he wanted to meet my friends since I told him about them.

I'm not sure if we are exactly friends yet but I did claim them as part of the family. Mostly everyone arrived besides fresh and error. I was waiting for those two to show up, the party will be starting soon enough so they still have some time to get here. I heard the door knocked, I brightened up a bit, heading over to open the door.

When I did, I saw error and fresh. They were both looking at each other. I smiled at them, "great your both just on time. The party is about to start. Come on in. I want you to meet papyrus and dad." I said and lead them over to them.

"Papyrus, dad, this is error and fresh. Error, fresh, this is papyrus, my brother, and gaster, my dad." I told them.

They greeted each other and papyrus left to go play for a bit. I talked to them for a while before I left to go do something and that was when papyrus decided to meet them without anyone else there and talk to them. So papyrus walked over towards them. He stood in front of them as they looked down towards him.

Papyrus stared them and didn't say anything, error and fresh hid a sweat dropped, "well good luck just trying to stay away then. Even if you try to protect us by doing so, Brother already claimed you as family so there is no escape. If you try he will just track you down for family meetings even if you live outside of our world. Well nice meeting you new friends/family! Hope you have a happy time here!" Papyrus said cheerfully leaving them as they both stared at papyrus who walked away.

Fresh's glasses were blank, before it switched to wut? As he and error shared looks, wondering what that was about exactly.

Fresh shrugged it off, he didn't mind visiting this place, he felt...a whole lot better since coming here actually. He doesn't know the reason yet since he hasn't had time to check the soul of his host. Actually he should probably do that soon after he leaves this radical birthday party.

Fresh wondered what was so..different about this place though. Everyone here was so powerful yet it didn't set his instincts to live off. That surprised him, which surprised him again. How was he able to feel emotions? He didn't remember feeling emotions until...he first visited this place...what was so special about this original? What was it that allowed him to feel something for once in his life? He didn't know, maybe he would ask his radical bro sans?

Now error was still a bit confused about being claimed, he's never been claimed before, he's usually the one who claims people as his own, his to protect, his to care for..etc now this is a first, being claimed by an original sans?

That was what surprised him, he knew since he the forced god of destruction, he wouldn't have or get many things to claim as his own but to be claimed by an original? One that doesn't have au's of itself like others? Unheard of.

He tilted his head, he should make sans and his family a scarf then. He decided since sans claimed him, he claimed sans right back as one of his. Just like nightmare and his gang, he claimed them as his even if they don't claim him as their own. He didn't know if sans knew he was the god of destruction, and if he did, why did he claim him as one of his? He is a bit curious about why this place was called undersoul though.

He only read enough to know this place was an original because he knew it wasn't an outertale for sure. Which is why he checked the codes in the first place. When he checked it, he didn't read much besides the name and that it was an original before he saw the sans staring at him. He remembers the sans asking him if he wanted to watch the stars with him. It was certainly very interesting to meet someone like him that wasn't afraid of his magic/aura that he had been letting out at that time. It was like he didn't even feel it. He wondered how strong this sans was. He hadn't checked him yet though. He should ask later. He thought and started wondering how, why, and when this sans claimed him as his own. He decided to ask when he sees him.

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