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6 years ago....

'Excuse me, My name is Steve,' a huge guy asked to a bunch of girls who stood blocking the notice board, 'I was late so could not see the time table. Is it economics lecture?'

'Yes, Steve,' A short girl turned around and answered, 'This is very much economics period.'

'Thank you, ummmm.......'

'Sandra. If you are looking for the name.' she giggled and went back to talk to her friends.

Sandra was a little short in height with a fair complexion. It could clearly be seen that she wore a minimal makeup. With long heels, to compensate her short built, she was wearing a Green top with black jeans. Even though the outfit was nothing special, Sandra stood out of the crowd. She was quiet confident with herself and her posture clearly radiated warmth. Steve was impressed.

The class started and the professor started the economics lecture. The class was divided in two parts of boys and girls. The boys took the entire left side of the class, whereas the girls sat on the right side. Steve sat on the last bench whereas Sandra had taken her seat near the middle. After the period of Economics, it was time for "Business Process" subject. The professor was quite relaxed and instead of teaching that day, he decided to have proper introduction with each of the student. All the students were asked their name and the marks they scored in their high school. Steve, undoubtedly, had scored the highest of them all. Everyone appreciated him with awe but his focus was on Sandra. She also acknowledged him and he returned the gesture with a slight bow.

'Hey, brainy boy. Sorry, I forgot your name. Rogers, Francis or what?' Sandra said as she came walking towards Steve in the canteen during the break.

'It's Steve,' he said modestly, 'and no need to apologize.'

It was clear that the whole cafeteria was looking at Sandra. Some were shrewdly seeing her by hiding behind their books whereas some were openly gawking at her. but it was clear that Sandra was the new centre of attraction among all the guys.

'I think the students have already started to like you. See, half of the batch is looking at me as if I have committed some crime by talking to you.'

Sandra laughed. She didn't even turn back to see. It wasn't anything new to her. She had tolerated creeps since her adolescence years.

'It has always been like that. I don't care. Forget about them. You are an intelligent guy. Why are you sitting alone?'

'I just like to be alone sometimes.'

'I am sorry to disturb you. I'll leave you and your thoughts alone, Mr. Professor.' She said and turned around to go away. It was the first time in her life someone wasn't begging to talk to her and as much as that frustrated her, she was curious to know about this guy.

'No, please sit. I am sorry. I didn't mean that to sound like that. It's just that I am new here and I don't know anybody yet and so I am sitting alone. Please take a seat.'

And that was how the tale of Steve and Sandra began.

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