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Steve was sitting there lost in his thoughts when Sandra finally arrived.

'Hey!' she called out.

She still hadn't totally forgotten what Steve had done to her.

'Please take a seat, Sandra.'

She didn't feel very comfortable sitting face to face with Steve after what had happened 3 years ago. She was more angry than ashamed. And still seeing Steve sit there so calmly made her think that maybe he had forgotten about the past.

'I heard that you were in town and wanted to see you,' Steve came straight to the point. He had to send Sandra on a wild goose chase after all and had no time to waste. 'Tell me what do you know about our other classmates?'

'I haven't been able to be in contact with many,' Sandra thought for a moment and then answered, 'But John had called me and he told me that Kyle died a year back. It was such a tragic accident. Did you hear about it?'

It had been a long time since the incident and she thought that it was alright to talk to Steve.

'Interesting,' Steve neither replied in affirmation or negation, 'How did it happen?'

'John didn't tell you??' She was confused. John was Steve's best friend and if he told her, he definitely talked with Steve. 'I don't know. But he told me that he had a heart attack, which is just odd because he was 23. How can someone at the age of 23 have a heart attack?'

'Yeah, it is weird for sure. Probably someone tried to kill him? After all if I remember correctly, he had many enemies.' An awkward smile broke on Steve's face.

'Probably murdered if what you are saying is true.' Sandra hated Kyle as much as anyone else. 'I never believed the heart attack excuse anyway. How can someone so young die of heart attack? Someone must have given him some kind of medicine to make his heart stop.' It was clear that Sandra wasn't crazy about Kyle but she cared for all humans equally as if it was her duty. 'What's done is done. Let's not dwell on bad things. Tell me what have you been up to?'

'Planning on how to take vengeance with so many of you.' He wanted to shout at the top of his lungs. But instead he just said. 'Just this and that.'

'Oh. Okay. So tell me what do you want to talk about? Did you come here to apologize...' She stopped mid sentence. 'For what you did so years back.'

'Hmm. So you remember Sean?' Steve said sipping his coffee. It was almost that he wasn't listening to Sandra at all.

Sandra and Sean had a weird relation which no one knew about except Steve and Brian. So when she was a bit surprised for a moment when he suddenly took his name.

'Yeah, I remember him.' She tried to be as casual as possible. She couldn't give Steve the satisfaction that she still felt ashamed because of what happened.

Steve could see Sandra was embarrassed right now. She knew what he was talking about. Her embarrassed and confused face brought back the memory when he had seen her like that for the first time.

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