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The day of the reunion came and everyone was excited. The only trio which had different emotions was Steve, Sandra and Brian. Steve was a bit nervous, Sandra was angry and impatient and Brian was plain old jealous.

Last night when Brian and Sandra were going to bed, he had noticed that Sandra was smiling. She was definitely thinking about something or someone that made her smile.

'Why are you grinning?'

'Just thinking about Steve and our old conversations.' Sandra was casual. She didn't think it was that big of a deal.

But Brian was fuming. How could Steve just come here back from the dead and swoop away Sandra from her feet when he was so close to his goals? How did he even survive that blow to his head? Brian had made sure he had hit him enough so that he would bleed out of his skull by the time someone came in the gym – two days later. What he had done was insane but necessary otherwise Sandra would have known the whole thing and his dream of becoming filthy rich would have been destroyed. And now Steve was back from the land of the dead and he had no idea how.

He was jealous of Steve being so lucky and he suddenly felt as if Sandra had lost respect for him. Had he lost his flair? He couldn't believe it. At that moment, he decided to make sure to his power on girls still existed and that he would be with Sandra as well as Kate on the same day.


The reunion was in the same hall where the dance event was years ago. A couple of years ago, the exam hall were changed to assembly hall and exams were moved to another much smaller class. Every student from last 5 years was invited for the reunion. And each of the students had some kind of memory with those walls.

Students of whom some were big businessman whereas some where employees at some company could be seen everywhere reminiscing the sweet and bitter memories of their college time. There was no rich or poor at the moment. There were only ex-students of Grestown high. The whole college was lit up with positive vibes. Everyone were meeting their old friends and getting to know about each other. Some were married, some were in relationship whereas some were non-committed. One thing was sure, everyone looked very mature.

A big screen was kept on display to show old photos of and bring back some memories. The event's chronology was decided. First, there was going to be dance, then there would be dinner and at the end, with dessert old photos and videos would be shown. Nobody knew who had made this arrangement because it was beautiful. It was thoughtful and spacious. There was time for everyone to go through the college, see their old classes etc before the dance. It was perfect.

A host was kept to make sure that the event went in the decided flow. After almost an hour of greetings and getting together, the host - Greg, a teenage boy who must be studying in the college right now, asked them all to settle down while he explained the whole order of the event.

When Greg had finished explaining the whole thing, everyone was feeling good about it.

'Anyone has any questions?' Greg knew that no one should have one. He had explained them well, but it was a necessary question and he was told by the organizers to ask it.

'Who has planned this reunion?' A lady asked, 'We want to compliment that person. It's amazing.'

Greg was in disbelief. When he had talked to the organizer, he was told that there would definitely be one question which would be about his identity.

'The organizer would meet you definitely but when the event ends. If you enjoy the reunion, please stay till the end. The person behind this beautiful celebration would come on this big screen at the end of the moment,' Greg was saying what he was told to say, 'but to give you one hint, the person was one of you.'

Everyone started thinking who this person could be. The decoration was expensive and the students were not asked for any fees or anything. Whoever the organizer was, was definitely rich. Everyone forgot about it as soon as the speakers started blaring songs.

Brian and Sandra had parted their ways to meet their old friends. At least, that's what they told each other. In reality, Sandra had gone to find Steve and Brian had gone to meet Kate. Both of them had been unsuccessful in the beginning.

Sandra was met with all of her old friends. She couldn't just ignore them otherwise they would be suspicious of her. She was already acting a bit weird, she didn't want anyone else to know why. So, she gave up and started talking to her friends. There was at least 4 hours for her to find him.

The same had happened with Brian but he wasn't going to give up so soon. He spotted Kate and decided that he would make his move on her after dinner. Since, there was going to be a dance before dinner, he couldn't risk Sandra seeing him with Kate. But he did keep an eye on her.

During this whole time, Steve was in store room on the second floor. It could also be known as the broom closet since all cleaning equipments were kept here. But it was quite big for a closet and so it was called Store room. He was the first person to reach the college. Proper cameras were kept in each hall so that Steve could keep an eye on the whole college and know who was where. It was necessary to be familiar with everyone's whereabouts. If someone walked in on his plan, everything would be ruined. When he had made sure that everything was in position, he just prayed that Sandra wouldn't tell anyone. He had not planned for this contingency. How did Sandra find it out was still a mystery to him. Maybe he had underestimated her but he trusted her. Only time will tell what would Sandra do to his plan.

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