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When dance was going to end, Brian had suggested that they should be back down otherwise everyone would be get suspicious. Kate had agreed and started dressing. She was also extremely hungry. Brian had also started to wear pants when his phone started to ring.

'I know about your affair with Kate and I am going to tell everything about it to Sandra if you don't reach the storage room in next 5 minutes.' a voice said and hung up.

Brian froze when he heard this. No one knew about this, not even his best friends. Who was this man and what did he want?

'Who was it? And are you coming down? I am famished.'

'You go ahead, if we go together, everyone would be doubtful.' Brian said without even looking at her. His mind was thinking who must have called him.

Kate got dressed and went downstairs. As soon as Brian was sure that Kate was gone, he ran to first floor storage room. He was in such hurry that he didn't even put on his shirt. As he ran towards the room, he noticed that the old man was not there anymore.

'Weird but not relevant.' He thought to himself.

He stood a moment in front of his door, took a deep breath and twisted the handle. The door swung open and Brian was shocked to see the person standing there.

Steve was enjoying this. He saw the shocked face of Brian and felt a feeling of satisfaction.

Brain's expression changed from shock to smirking. It quickly again changed to fear as he saw Steve pull a gun at him. He turned around to run as fast as possible when an old man – the janitor, came inside and closed the door behind him. Brian didn't know what to do. The old man was with Steve all the time.

'Steve, have you seen ever seen someone so scared?' Mr.Patrickson said.

'He was always a scared man. He just acted tough,' Steve replied, 'I can show you how coward he is.'

What Steve did next was unexpected by Brian. He put down the gun and kicked it towards the door and sat on a chair.

'Had he gone crazy? He literally gave the gun to me and still acted as if it was nothing.' Brian thought.

As soon as Steve kicked the gun, Brian saw the opportunity and grabbed the gun. At that moment, Steve switched on the camera which was hidden on his jacket. The camera was connected to the main big white screen in the hall. Everyone would see what would happen next. The world would get the message.

'How did you survive, Steve?' Brian asked as he pointed the gun towards him, 'I killed you the last time we met.'

'No, you didn't. Sean saved me. He called the hospital before running away.'

'Sean is dead now. Now that I know what he did, I think he deserved to die. And now you will die too and no one would know.'

'You already ruined my life. You gave me amphetamines during my game and I was kicked out of the Basketball team. You beat me with a rod when I was unconscious which resulted in me never be able to complete college.' Steve was angry. Mr.Patrickson was worried that Steve was losing his calm and he won't be able to handle the stress.

'Yes, I did. And I would do it again if I had to. It is so much fun seeing losers like you struggle. You, nerds, deserve this. You think you are the only one who suffered this fate due to me? How naïve are you! You know why you were special for me? You were my 50th nerd I hurt and I have never been more proud,' Brian laughed out loudly, 'I failed once to kill you but I won't fail again.'

'I don't mind dying but I want the truth. Why are you doing this? I can understand your anger towards weaker people like us. Bullies like you always feed on students like us but why are you betraying Sandra as well as Kate? Both of them are so good.'

'Exactly! Both of them are so good,' Brian said licking his lips, 'only an idiot would leave the chance of being with them both.'

'How did you even get them to be with you? No sane girl would be with you, psychopath.' Steve said in a pleading voice. He knew that he had to sound scared. All of the people are listening and watching to this conversation.

'Sane girls won't. But emotional girls would definitely. I used their emotions. Kate was easy but Sandra was a bit difficult to catch,' Brian proudly said, 'but I did it anyway.'

'I had to make Kyle look bad for it. I had told him to harass Sandra on their date. I don't know what he did but he did a pretty good job. Then I acted as if I was rejected by some girl she hated. And when she was the most vulnerable, I made her invite me to the dance event. And the rest is history.'

Steve never knew about this. He had never known that Kyle did anything with Sandra, let alone it was done for Brian.

Everyone was listening to the conversation in the hall. For a moment, they thought it was recorded but it was clear from Brian's pants that it was live. He was wearing the same pants he came here in. When he so blatantly admitted how he had trapped Sandra and Kate, everyone looked at them. Sandra and Kate looked at each other and both were more angry than ashamed. Brian was still speaking.

'Kate was simpler. I'd tell her that I have broken up with Sandra and I am in love with her. I would tell Sandra that I am going to meet my friends. It was amazing.'

'So, what I heard in the locker room between you and Sean was true. You were the one who helped Sean drug up Sandra and rape her? And what did you get out of it?'

'Yes, it was my idea and I told her it was yours. I even made a letter stating that it was you trying to take revenge on her and how she believed it. And how I made easy bucks by it, you would never know. I would, sometimes, even sell naked photos of girls I slept with for money. Sandra was my number one.' Brian started laughing. Steve understood what Sandra was talking about when she said that she had read The Letter.

'But if you don't like Sandra, why are you even with her?' Steve was genuinely confused now. It was clear that Brian had no affection for Sandra but Steve was never able to figure out the reason.

'Isn't it obvious?' Brian smirked, 'She is rich! The plan is simple. I am going to marry her without signing a pre-nuptial and then divorce her. Half of her property is mine and then I get away from this wretched country to Bali or somewhere and start a new life there.'

Steve had lost his calm now. He thought Brian was just a bully but he was worse than that. And he had heard enough. He sprinted towards him to tackle him to the ground.

Everyone who was seeing this was stuck at their place. Their eyes were glued to the screen. When they saw Steve hurtling towards Brian who was pointing a gun at him, they wanted Steve to beat the hell out of Brian. But at that exact moment, the screen went black and a loud shot was heard from the first floor. Everyone looked towards the direction from where the noise had come.

'They seemed to be in the storage room on the first floor!' someone shouted.

Sandra sprinted as soon as she heard it. Steve was right about everything and she didn't do anything. She ran towards the first floor to save Steve if there was still time left.

What the crowd didn't know was that it was all planned. The gun which Brian had was a fake one. When Steve had ran towards, Mr.Patrickson switched off the camera and played a recording of a shot being fired. 

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