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It had happened a few days after the dance event. The college fest had ended and in the sports event, Steve had played very good in Basketball. Kyle had performed great in football and it was decided that one of the two students would lead the sports committee. Leading the sports committee was a big thing since it gave the leader the power to select teams for inter-college and national competitions. It also meant that they would get extra 30% marks in the exams. The leader of the committee was also a good thing to be put on the resume. It was a once in a life opportunity for both the guys and no one was going to give up on the position.

The sports committee which consisted of the headmaster, a couple of sports teachers and the coaches of each sport played in the school – Cricket, Basketball, Football, Volleyball and Badminton, would decide who would get the honor of being the leader of the committee.

The criteria to decide the head would be to judge their performance in the next two games the college would play. The one who performed better would be declared as the head of sports committee and his chances of getting sports scholarship would skyrocket.

Steve was not in the best of his moods since the dance event. The announcement of him being the head of sports committee was the one thing he was looking forward to. He knew that the next two matches were going to be against Durhab High and Hertington College. He had dropped a triple double against one in the past and scored his career high of 40 points against the other. He knew it was going to be an easy win. And since the news of Sandra, he had been practicing more and more in the gym. He knew that this might be the one chance for him to prove that he was better than anyone else.

It was the day before the first game when the gym was empty. Steve had just been there for past 4 hours practicing his dribbling skills. He was in the locker room when he heard 2 people talking just near the boy's restroom. He was confused because it was 5 in the evening and almost the whole college was empty. He slowly went behind the lockers and near the restrooms to investigate the source of the conversation.

The nearer Steve went, the clearer he could listen to the conversation and he could not believe his ears when he heard the conversation.

'Brian, why have you brought me here to this abandoned restroom at 5 in the evening?'

The voice seemed familiar. Steve just couldn't place it where he had heard it before. But the next words revealed the identity.

'Kyle, the college still has some students in it and I wanted to talk to you about something which shouldn't be heard by anyone else. This is the safest place.' Brian replied.

Steve was just wondering what Brian and Kyle could possibly be talking about. After all, Brian was the current boyfriend of Sandra and Kyle wanted to hook up with Sandra.

'Listen, I have a plan which would solve both of our problems.' Brian had continued when Kyle stood there confused.

'What problem do we have?' Kyle had never been more confused.


Steve's heart stopped when he heard his name. They were talking about him and he was listening to them. This could either end up saving him or it could end really badly if they noticed him. He just froze there, trying not to make any kind of noise.

'What about him, Brian? What are you talking about? Don't complicate things.' Kyle was getting impatient. He knew Steve was a threat to him but didn't know how Brian is going to bring the solution to his problem.

'I am with Sandra now and you know how close Steve and Sandra were before a couple of weeks.'

Steve cringed at the mention of Brian and Sandra being together. He had seen Brian the next day and the rumors were true. He was worse than he had expected him to be. He had no dressing sense whatsoever. He wasn't too rich either and the way his grades were, the possibility of being rich in the future also seemed slim. He didn't play any kind of sport or participated in any kind of activities which resulted in not a great physique. He was really confused why Sandra was with him till he talked to Brian one day. He did it just to judge the guy. But he realized one thing that day, Brian was one smooth talker. He could say the meanest things in a way that people would want to hear more of them. His insults seemed like praises. Steve had not seen anyone more charming than Brian. And he was clear that Brian had talked his way through Sandra's heart. And he instantly understood why Sandra wasn't with him. He couldn't be that fake even if he tried a million times.

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