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'Brian, I was unpacking your bags and I saw this on your shirt. What is this?' Sandra asked.

'Oh, are you talking about this red stain? That's actually...' Brian's words trailed off. He couldn't tell her the truth. She would leave him and he would come on the streets even if she decided not to tell anyone. No, she must not know the truth.

'You were saying something?'

'Yeah, my beautiful babe, that stain is actually my friend's blood. We were drinking and you know how Tony gets super drunk and violent. He smashed the glass and it broke and he jumped towards me. I ducked enough to let him leave just a splat of the blood.' Brian reasoned. 'Forget about that. Here, see what I brought you- a gold necklace. Turn around; I want to put it on you right now.'

Sandra was suspicious but didn't argue much. After all, relationships were built on trust and in a couple of years they were going to marry. She can't marry someone she didn't trust. Forgetting about the stain, she turned around and he put on the necklace. It looked beautiful. It even had her initial – S engraved in the center. She accepted and they kissed and went to sleep that night.

She remembered the whole incident clear as day now. Was that blood of Sean? No. she can't just stop trusting Brian on words of someone who hates Brian. No. She has to see more into it but she can't just start doubting Brian. But if he is the murderer then she also has to be careful on what she says in front of him. She has got to unravel the mystery of the two murders.


Steve was at his home. He was thinking how perfect everything was now. He had waited for so long to bring justice. It took so much hard work and such precision. If anyone else saw what he had done, they will think this was impossible. But it actually wasn't. It took time but with his logic, patience, planning and observation skills, he could do the impossible. There were some problems which he faced but there were no huge consequences of those and so it didn't matter. He just hoped that the next part went as he had planned. He knew Sandra enough to know what she must be doing now.

But Sandra wasn't as predictable as Brian or Sean or Kyle was.

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