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Sandra woke up the next morning. She felt strange. She suddenly realized that she was not in her own bed. And she was completely naked. Where was she? She couldn't remember anything from last night. The last thing she remembered was complaining to Sean how bad boyfriend Brian was. She frantically searched around for her clothes. They were spread all across the room floor and she suddenly had a very bad feeling. She saw around and there was no one in the room. It was a motel and she was not even at someone's house.

She picked up her clothes and got dressed as fast as she could. She ran down the stairs to meet the owner of the motel to ask him how she reached there.

'Hello, sir.'

'Good morning, Sandra! How are you? I hope the night stay was comfortable.'

'How did he know my name?' Sandra thought to herself completely confused.

'Sir, how do you know me and how did I come here?'

'Why, you were with your boyfriend, who just left now for his job. He knew you would wake up late and so he has already paid for the service. You were quite drunk last night and he seems to be a really loving boy. You are a lucky girl.'

Was it Brian who came to pick her up after Sean told her that she was drunk?

'How did the guy look like? What was his name again?'

'You don't know your boyfriend's name?' the owner was enraged. He wasn't someone who ran a love motel. 'His name is Sean and you pretty lady should keep yourself in check.'

Sandra was stunned! Why was she with him? And if she woke up naked in bed, did it mean that she and Sean had coitus? She could not believe her ears. How did it even happen? She was alright last night. And she suddenly understood everything. She had heard stories of these things happening to other girls and even seen it on movies but she never thought this trick would be used so openly. She had been drugged by Sean's special Bourbon.

She couldn't even thank the owner of the motel to fill her up on her whereabouts. She just started walking towards the sign that read "Grestown 200 meters."

It took around 20 minutes for her to reach the town. She was trying to regain her memory but she couldn't remember anything. It was as if she was at the bar and after one second she was on the motel bed. She reached the bar to get some answers and was received by the manager.

'Isn't it a bit early to be here, Sandra?' the manager grinned.

'I don't want any drink. I just want to ask you something.' Sandra was dead serious.


'Yesterday, the bartender was not the regular one. Who was he?'

'Yeah, we had a replacement for last night. Our bartender was sick and Sean, who's a regular here, suggested this man. He just worked one night. He's no more here. Why, what happened?'


Sandra walked out of that place with her face white as if she had heard her death date. She was ashamed. She was sad. She was angry. It was a mix of emotions she had never experienced and she knew that she had to go home and cry her heart out in Brian's arms. She had never been used physically. It was the worst day of her life.

It was only later found out because of the letter Steve gave that she was drugged by a medicine called Flunitrazepam. It was a potent hypnotic and sedative drug. It was also called "date rape drug" and is commonly used as to make victims unconscious to rape them and so as the name suggested. 

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