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'I thought you would never ask.' Steve said as soon as he picked up the phone.

'Ask what?' Sandra was now getting the creeps from everyone. How can Steve know what she wanted to ask?

'I was in love with you, Sandra. I know you. You wouldn't have called me unless you know now that what I told you is true. You called to ask some details you want to clear so that you can prove who is really behind the killings. Am I right or am I right?' Steve said. He was casual and he was sly enough to slip the love part. He had to tell her sometime and what better time can be there than when her mind won't process that part of information.

'I want to meet you, right now.' Sandra pleaded. But her request seemed like an order.

'I am sorry but I can't meet you till the reunion. I can't trust anybody. Brian might have coerced you to kill me somehow. Sorry, Sandra. Whatever you want to talk about, you can talk to me now.' Steve was lying. He wasn't scared of anything or anyone. He just didn't want to see Sandra. All of these old memories made him start liking Sandra again. And he knew that if he would meet Sandra again before the doom's day, he would most likely abort the mission.

'I can understand. You said that you were given amphetamines. When did that happen? Why was it given to you and why do you think I would know about this incident?' Sandra had many more questions but she wanted every answer clearly and so didn't want to overwhelm Steve.

'I was given the medication which was poison for me 4 years back as a warning to stay away from you. I thought that Brian would have told you that since he did it for you. But then again, he hasn't told you so many things.' Steve smirked. He knew he had to get Sandra more curious as well as furious to make her take the next predicted actions.

'I don't know anything about it. Tell me exactly what happened.'

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