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'Hey Sandra, you never had your dinner. You were sound asleep and so I didn't wake you up but it's 9 in the morning now.' Brian was worried. 'Are you feeling alright? You have been asleep for more than 14 hours now. I got worried. Shall I call the doctor?'

'No, Brian. I just had a headache. So, I needed rest.'

What Brian didn't know was that Sandra had taken sleeping pills which she had bought from a friend of hers. She had kept it a secret as she didn't want Brian to get worried.

Sandra had started suffering from depression since the last days of college. She was with Brian during this time but she didn't tell him about this. The incidence that happened a month of graduation had made her stop seeing everybody. When one day, Brian had come back from his job, he was badly beaten.

When she had asked Brian how that had happened, he had handed her a note. It was not handwritten but printed. Sandra was horrified when she read that. She couldn't believe Steve would write or propose something so heinous like this. It broke her heart and she no longer wanted to stay in the town and that is why Brian and her left Grestown.

But after what she discovered today, she wasn't sure if what she read in the letter was even truth or a total lie fabricated by Brian to be with her. She had kept the letter somewhere, she knew that. But she couldn't remember where. Besides, she couldn't search for it suddenly, after almost 3 years, when Brian was home. It would raise many questions. She also couldn't stand being in the same house with Brian. She had to get out of that house.

'I have to go shopping for the reunion. And then I am going to meet Aisha. I'll come home late at night. Would that be okay?' Sandra knew that it didn't matter whether it would be ok with Brian or not because she was going to go no matter what.

Brian sighed. He didn't have work today. He thought he'd spend the time with Sandra. But she was acting weird. But he knew that when Sandra wanted to do something, one shouldn't stop her.

He wondered for a moment and then a bulb lit up in his mind. Since there is college reunion that means other students would also be there. He knew that if Sandra wasn't going to be at home all day, he had an amazing opportunity to meet some people alone without getting disturbed.

'As you wish, baby. So I guess we will meet at night.' Brian went for a hug as he was saying this.

Sandra just ducked him and said, 'Sorry. I have lot of things in my mind. Bye.' And she went out of the house.

Sandra was unsure where she should go first. As much as she knew that Brian killed Sean, she still had no proof that it was Brian who killed Kyle too. She knew her first stop should be the pharmacy his uncle owned. 

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