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Sandra woke up from her bed as she remembered this. She suddenly felt hopeful. Maybe she had found out what happened.

She woke Brian up who was sleeping peacefully right next to her.

'Wake up, Brian!' she screamed as she violently rocked Brian.

'What happened?' Brian woke up groggily.

'When we moved to Stering, did you tell anyone where we were going?'

'Why?' Brian was still half asleep. It was weird of Sandra to ask this kind of irrelevant question suddenly in the middle of their sleep.

'Just tell me! Anyone? Sean or Kyle maybe?'

'No, I don't think so. I never told anyone where we lived.' For the first time in his life, Brian spoke a complete truth.

'Nothing. You get back to sleep. I need to talk to Steve.' Sandra woke up and went away. She had mixed emotions, happy because she just found out a huge thing and angry because she was used as a dummy.

Brian saw these emotions on her face and deducted that she was happy to talk to Steve and angry to be laying there with him. Had she known about the near murder he had committed?


Steve's phone rang as he was making his dress for the special event which was going to be there in 2 days.

He was shocked to see Sandra calling him at this time.


'You killed them all!' Sandra screamed at her phone.

Steve was startled for a moment but he kept his calm. He saw his phone and looked at the caller id again. It was Sandra for sure. She must be bluffing though. it was impossible for anyone to join his name with the murders.

'What are you even talking about?'

'Isn't it crystal clear?' Sandra's voice was too excited. She did it because of how she found the truth out by remembering something so minute. It was all by herself. Girls are not as weak as men show them to be and she proved it today.

'You hated Kyle because it was because of him, you couldn't play basketball in the college. Everyone knew that he kicked you out of the team as soon as he became the head of the committee. You had a clear motive to kill him,' Sandra spoke so fast that it was a bit difficult to decipher her, 'And Sean was a liability for you. What you made him do was unspeakable and you couldn't risk of anyone knowing about it during the reunion and so just a couple of months ago, you killed him.'

'What did I make him do?' Steve was genuinely confused. It was Sean who did something to him.

'Don't act too smart because you ain't that smart,' Sandra said. 'I have read the letter that you gave to Brian after beating him, again and again and I could never believe that someone whom I thought was my best friend would do something like that.'

It was clear to Steve that something was told to Sandra which was a lie. There was no letter. He didn't know what to say. He can't just spill the truth right now since she would never believe him. He just kept listening.

'And you, obviously, hate Brian. You wanted me to blame him so that before the reunion, we break up and I come to you to take resort in your arms. You are just jealous of us and that's why you are doing this.'

'And how did you conclude all that?'

'When we moved out of Grestown, no one knew where we were. We had kept it a secret because of what happened with Sean and I didn't want to be seen by anyone we knew.' Sandra explained how she brilliantly reached to this conclusion.

Steve just wondered if that's the thing which Brian made Sandra believe. Did they actually move because of what Sean did to her or what they did to me?

'And you said that the rod could be from the factory besides Brian's garage. It clearly meant that you knew where we lived. And so you took the rod from the same factory and used it for your own advantage.'

Steve could not help but be impressed by her. It was a mistake to tell Sandra about the factory. If he had just said that Brian could have found a rod anywhere, he wouldn't be in this position right now. Sandra was cleverer than he had predicted her to be.

'And you knew that Brian had an uncle who had a pharmacy from that little prank he did to you. And he obviously had taught what Amphetamines could do and so you ordered from his uncle a butt-load of the drug on phone pretending to be Brian.'

Sandra was exasperated. But she never slowed down. Steve's feeling of impression changed to a feeling of dread. Sandra had figured out most of the things. He was just scared that she hadn't done anything, which she might regret later.

'Why can't Brian himself order on phone?' Steve was trying to procrastinate while he thought of how he could stop her from doing anything before reunion which was a day away now as the clock struck midnight.

'Why would he? If he wanted to reveal his identity, he'd just walk at the store and buy it, like he did last time. You are caught, Steve. I have to say that it was a bright plan but you didn't plan for a contingency called-Sandra.'

'No, I didn't. How do you explain the necklace he gave you?'

Steve made a huge mistake by asking her that. And he realized it when Sandra answered his question.

'That necklace....,' Sandra stopped mid-sentence. She never told Steve about the necklace. And with this, a new smile broke on her face, 'I never told you about the necklace. The fact that you know about the necklace is a clear indication that it was you who somehow gave the necklace to Brian after taking it off the body of Sean. I imagined you as a coward but never as a criminal.' Sandra was disgusted of Steve right now. To imagine that she was his friend made her want to puke.

'Sandra, I'd have to give it to you. You are way brighter and sharper than I imagined. But you don't have the slightest idea what you are talking about. If you don't believe me, don't do anything yet. Brian is going to kill me on the day of the reunion. If you are right, I wouldn't be dead and if you are wrong, you would know that Brian is the one you should have suspected in the first place.'

'I don't want to hear another word coming out of your sick mouth. If you don't die on the reunion, enjoy it because the next day, you'd be in jail.'

Sandra slammed the phone before Steve could say anything. She had enough of these lies.


It was almost an hour since Sandra had gone to talk to Steve and Brian was getting more and more worried. Was Steve telling her about what had happened years back? Would Sandra even believe what Steve told her?

For the first 2 years of their relationship, Sandra had been the more dominant one between the two of them. Brian hated it and he did change it soon and all he had to give up was that dreadful town of Grestown which he wanted to leave anyway. But if Sandra even slightly suspected him of anything, his dream of inheriting all of her money would disappear. 

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