Truths 2

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3rd person p.o.v
The two boys had got to school and walked in with each other. They put their  bags in their rooms and met back at the gym with their friends.
"Alright kiddo's! We got here a little late then expected, so just have a free day!" Monokuma said on the speaker phone  and all of Taka and Mondo's friends decided to hang out in one of our dorms.
Taka's p.o.v
"What about my dorm?" I said and everyone agreed, so we walked there. Mondo walked beside me and purposely bumped into me, so I lost balance and tumbled over. I tried to do it to him, but he barely moved.
We got to my dorm and we all sat down just talking to each other. Everyone volunteered me to go get the snacks, and so I did. I walked out of the room and heard Mondo behind me I looked behind me and he was gone before I knew it, he had came to the side of me and spun me around.
"Jeez, Mondo! You seriously got to stop scaring me!"
"Aww, Nah!"
We walked a little further and I heard Junko and her friends from the other side of the corner. I stopped Mondo and listen to them, I was worried that they were bullying someone else. If anyone was getting bullied I rather it be me.
"Where is she?!" Junko yelled
"Yeah! Where is she?!" Celestia added.
"S-she creeps m-me o-out!" We heard Toko yell.
I dragged Mondo and stood out of the corner and yelled to Junko.
"Hey! Leave her alone! Trash!" I motioned for Toko to leave and saw Junko yell again.
"You again! And your guard dog!"
"You all look more like the dogs!"
Mondo was just astonished at what I was saying.
"You got a lot of nerve talking to me!" Junko yelled.
"You know the school says "no littering" so go put yourself in the trash can for me, would ya?" I yelled. She didn't like that so she started walking to us and I grabbed Mondo and ran with him.
As we were running I turned down a hall and ran into a closet, Mondo was right behind me.
"What the hell was that?!" Mondo whispered to me.
"I don't want her bullying Toko!"
"I know! But you talking about them like that?!"
"Umm yeah!"
We stood there for a little bit longer and waited. We walked out of the closet and started sneaking to the Cafeteria, making sure Junko wasn't near. When we got there we grabbed some food, and started heading to my dorm, until Mondo grabbed me and put me on the table. He got closer to where his legs were in between mine and had his hands on the side of me.
"Umm, Mondo?"
"Watcha doing?"
"Admiring you."
I blushed at the comment and was looking around to see if people were around.
"Um, well can we go?" I asked him and he just kissed my neck again.
"In a little bit." He said biting the other side of my neck and sucking on it.
"M-mondo! We are in school!"
He didn't even answer, but instead just bit harder and made me moan.
"Found it." He said while smiling against my neck.
"Did you just give me another one?!" I asked covering the area he just let go of.
"Yeah!" He gave me a grin and helped me up.
"So, You didn't care I gave you one at the cabin, but once we're in school, you care about it now? Wanna explain that?" He asked just grinning at me.
"S-shut up!"
He chuckled.
We got to my dorm and I handed the snacks out to everyone.
They already had a movie going on, so me and Mondo just sat down.
Mondo leaned over to me and whispered to me.
"Are you not going to eat?"
"I ate earlier."
"No you didn't. You were with me the whole time. I saw everything, you didn't eat."
"I'm not hungry." I said trying to get any excuse trying to not eat.
"Taka. Eat." He said handing me a snack.
"Mondo, I promise I'm not hungry."
"I haven't seen you ate in the past two days! You're eating!" He said looking at me like if I disagreed with him, he would kill me. So, I ate it and wanted more food, but the voice came back and told me no.
I was so hungry, but I didn't want to eat, I just held my stomach and ignored the pain.
The day was almost over and everyone had gotten back to there dorms, the only one's left was Me, Mondo, Chihiro, and Leon.
"So what do you want to talk about?" Leon asked.
"I don't know." Mondo answered him.
"Welp, I'ma go hang out with Ibuki then! See ya!" Leon said walking out on us.
The rest of us just talked about random stuff together, Chihiro got bored and decided to go hang out in their dorm.
"Why aren't you eating, Taka?" Mondo asked me as soon as the door closed.
"What? I am eating!"
"Better stop lying to me! You know how I feel about that."
"I'm being honest, Mondo. I'm just not hungry."
"Mondo, Please trust me. I haven't been hungry lately and I keep forgetting to feed myself, okay?"
"Ya better not be lying to me!" He growled at me.
"I'm not lying." I reassured him
He leaned back and turned something on the TV.

920 words!
Don't forget it! You beautiful!❤️

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