"Lonely with you" 2

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Mondo's p.o.v

"Why did you sit with us today? Not that I mind, I'm just curious." Taka asked after giving me millions of kisses.
"Uh, the Leon situation."
"Leon just told them I beat him up and didn't tell them why I did. So, they just think I'm an asshole and they were being assholes to me, so I said fuck them and came to hang out with you." I explained to him
"Oh. I'm sorry you lost your friends because of me."
"Taka, it's not your fault."
"Shhh, it's okay. I rather be with you then them."
I said pulling him into a hug
He just hugged me back and sat their with me.
"Wanna go on a ride, Babe?" I asked him
"No. I don't have any helmets."
"Do you wanna go ride or not?"
We headed out to the bike and it was a little cold out, but Taka was just skipping away all happy like.
I love him so much, he is so precious. I would do anything for him, Even if he doesn't like me in the future. I'll still be there for him.
"You okay, Mondo? You've just been standing there." He said next to the bike

3rd person p.o.v

Taka got Mondo out of his trance and asked if he was okay.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Just admiring you." Mondo grabbed Taka waist, pulling him close and kissing him. They stayed there for a minute.
The only thing they didn't know was someone was watching them.

"Holy shit, dude!" Yasuhiro yelled.
"I fucking knew it!" Fuyuhiko screamed
"We gotta tell Leon!" Yasuhiro said.
The boys ran out the room to tell Leon

Mondo let go of the kiss and stared at Taka
"I love you, Taka."
"I love you, Mondo."
The two love birds sat on the bike and rode off. Taka hugging onto Mondo and squeezing the life out of Mondo. Mondo being a blushing mess.

(Timeskip into back from the ride)
Taka's p.o.v
We parked the bike and Mondo helped me off the bike. I looked over the at Mondo and his nose and ears were red.
"Mondo, are you okay?"
"Yeah, just a little chilly."
"Well, let's get to my room and we can get you warmed up." Taka said kissing Mondo's ear where it was red.
We got to my room and I wrapped a blanket around him and snuggled up to him. I turned on a movie and we sat there snuggling until we heard a knock on the door. Mondo got up and checked the door only to slam it back shut.
"Who was it?" I asked him
He said starting to look aggravated
We heard from the other side of the door.
"Mondo, please talk to me, I need to talk to you."
"Fuck off!"
"Mondo, just listen to me!"
"Better make it quick!"
Mondo stepped out of the room and I ran to the door to listen
"Mondo, I'm sorry about the Ishimaru thing! I didn't know you two were dating!"
"How the hell do you know that!?"
"Yasuhiro and Fuyuhiko saw you guys kissing and told me!"
"Arghh! What do you want?!"
"I want to be back friends!"
"Go fuck yourself!"
"I didn't know you two were dating! I wouldn't have done that if I knew!"
"If you were an actual friend you wouldn't have done that in the first place!"
Mondo yelled and grabbed the doorknob and made me scattered up.
"Were you listening to us?" Mondo asked
He walked up to me and put his forehead to mine.
"What do I do, Taka?"
"I don't know, That's up to you."
"I don't know what to do!.....I'm laying down." Mondo Said and made me giggle.
I was walking with him and I heard the voices again
'He doesn't love you! He doesn't need you! You can die and he would be happy!'

"The voices are back."
"Leave my baby alone!" He poked my head and then kissed me
He layed down and I sat down next to him.
"Mondo, I'm getting scared."
He sat up and hugged me, stroking my hair
I sat there for a minute and then black out, but woke back up as Ishida.
Mondo looked down and saw Ishida. If I know Mondo I know he was cussing in his head.
"Um, hi. What's up?"
"Nothing much. How are you doing?"

Mondo's p.o.v

"Um, I'm fine." Ishida was acting more werid then usual.
"That's good."
Ishida just kept getting closer to me.
"Um, whatcha doing?"
Ishida kissed me and put his hand in my hair, he started to push on me and climbed on top of me. He was now straddling me and holding my face, I pulled away and explained to him.
"Um, look, No offense, but if I'm gonna do this I want it to be Taka."
"Oh, you just want Taka. I never get any fun!" Ishida switched back to Taka and once Taka knew what was going on, he was a flustered mess. Taka got off of me and just stared away.
"I'm s-sorry. I-i shouldn't have d-done that."
I just sat there for a little bit before answering
"No, you're fine, Taka, Really."
I sat up and turned his face towards mine. I kissed him and started kissing down to his neck. He put his hand on the back of my neck, I bit down on his neck and started giving him a hickey. He then grabbed my hair and pulled, which made me bite down harder onto him.
I let go and kissed the fresh hickey
"Sorry, babe."
I kissed him and then on his forehead
I smiled at him and wrapped a blanket around him and layed him down and cuddled up with him.

The next morning ✨✨✨( ⚠️⚠️f- slur⚠️⚠️)
Taka's p.o.v
I was walking to the laundry room with some dirty laundry. My mother's jacket was on the pile and I was looking at it.
I heard heals behind me and my heart instantly froze.
"Hey! Ishimaru!"
Junko yelled and I heard her friends with her too. I didn't want to be rude, so I turned around.
"So you and your body guard are dating!"
"What a f*****!"
I didn't realize I was fidgeting with the sleeve of the jacket until Junko noticed it.
She yanked it out of my hands and held it up to Celestia.
"Listen to me when I talk to you!"
I see Junko glance over behind me and watched as fear grew in her eyes.
She took the jacket out of Celestia's hands and handed it to me before saying sorry and running off. I looked behind me and saw Mondo walking towards me.
"What did you do to them?" I asked him.
"I just threatened them with Leon. Do you want help with that?" He asked pointing at the basket of clothes.
"Oh, no I got it. You can walk with me if you want though."
We walked and talked the whole way to the laundry room, and as I was throwing the clothes in the washing machine, I saw someone walk in.
Mondo just turned away, so I knew it was someone he was mad at. I looked over and see Yasuhiro.
"Hey, Taka come here."
I stood up and payed attention to Mondo and he kissed my jawline, making me groan. I saw him look up at Yasuhiro and he did it again, biting this time and making me groan louder.
We watched Yasuhiro leave the room and Mondo started snickering
"Why would you do that when he is in here?!"
"I didn't want him near us and I knew that would make him leave."
I couldn't say anything, just felt the heat on my face.
We were walking down the hall and Mondo grabbed my hand and kissed it.
"I love you, babe."
"I love you, too."

1340 words!
Hey! You did it! Omg, You did it! I'm so proud of you!"

(I'm bored + I'm lonely gave you this chapter, so yeah. Sorry if it's cringe. I'm tired, Love y'all!)

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