✨S O M E T H I N G✨

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(lunch time. I don't have enough energy to write Mondo class sorry.)
Mondo's p.o.v
Leon, Fuyuhiko, Yasuhiro, and I are sitting at our table. We see Chihiro and her friends sit with us.
"Oh, hey guys!" Leon yells
"Hey, you don't mind if we sit here with you ,right?" Chiaki asked.
"Nah, we don't care."
We were all talking, I felt Chihiro tugged on my jacket.
"What's up?" I asked them
"Do you know what's wrong with Taka? He hasn't been hanging out with us lately. Earlier I brought him his work and he didn't even answer the door."
"Uh, He's sick and is stubborn."
"I know that, but he isn't acting like himself."
"You know about the Ishida situation right?"
"Oh yeah. But it still feels like something is wrong."
I just sat and looked at Chihiro, They were really concerned.
"I'll check up on him later."
We both went back to all of us talking until we heard Ibuki yell across the cafeteria.
"Hey! Everyone remember that my pool party is Tomorrow! Everyone is invited!"
"So, is everyone going?" Kaz asked.
"I think so." Leon said
We heard the bell go off and we parted ways.
(Timeskip to before Ibuki's party)

Taka's p.o.v
I was in my dorm and heard a knock on my door.
"Who is it?"
"Uh, Leon."
Why would Leon be here? I walked to the door and opened it for him.
"What are you doing here, Leon?"
"Um, Someone wanted me to get you. So uh, follow me." He said walking away, but waving for me to come on.
It was probably Mondo, he is using Leon to distract me. I followed Leon to the Library and he lead me into the back room with all the computers.
"Why are we here?" I asked him getting scared.
"Oh, you're just staying here. I'ma go out."
I tried to speak, but heard Junko laugh with her friends.
"Hey, Ishimaru! Long time no see!"
"What do you all want?"
"Ohh, Nothing. Just been stressed, so I need a punching bag and no one better to punch then you."
"Wha-!" I yelled but Celestia and Sayaka grabbed my arms and pinned me against the wall, while Junko started punching me.
I tried calling for Leon, but he couldn't hear me I guess.
I hear Junko get her knife out and start to panic, these cuts are just almost done healing, I can't be getting new ones already. I struggle and move around a bunch until Celestia Punches me in the face, but I black out and Ishida wakes up.
"Let me fucking go now!"
I yelled
"Or what?"
I grabbed Sayaka's hair and swing her into Celestia and Push Junko to the floor, making her drop the knife. I picked up the knife and ran out of the room and back to mine. Once I got in there, I ran to the mirror and started yelling at Ishida.
'You can't do that! Those are woman! I can't hit them!'
He didn't listen to me. He was switched out, so of course he ignores me.
"They were literally trying to carve into us and we got a knife now."
'It doesn't matter!'
"I didn't even hit them! I pulled one's hair and pushed another one away!"
"No! That's trying to live without having our stomach cut opened!"
I couldn't win this argument. I know it was wrong to do that, but they were going to cut me.
'Why did Leon do that? Did he know that was going to happen?'
I heard a knock on my door and Ishida switch back, so I was in control again. I opened the door and saw Ibuki there
"Heyo! Ibuki didn't see you in class earlier so I wanted to remind you about my party. I really don't want you to miss it, it's gonna be super fun!"
"Oh! Thank you, Ibuki. I'll try to go."
"Okie! See ya later, Alligator!"
And with that she skipped off.
(At Ibuki's party)
Mondo's p.o.v
Me and Leon walked to the swimming pool and sat with Fuyuhiko, Peko, Kaz, Gundham, Yasuhiro, Chiaki, and Chihiro, but I didn't see Taka. I thought he said he would be here. I sat next to Chihiro and asked them if they new where Taka was, but they just said they didn't know either.
"Hey, I'ma go get Taka, guys!" I said standing up.
"Uh! No! No, I'll go get him! You just stay here and have fun." Leon yelled, but before I could say anything he was already gone.
"That was werid." Fuyuhiko said
"Welp I'm gonna go swim. Anyone wanna join me?" Chihiro asked and almost everyone said yes.
It was Me, Fuyuhiko, and Gundham.
"Do you know why Leon wanted to go get Taka instead of you, Mortal?"

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