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Mondo's p.o.v
I pulled out onto the side of the rode, because we had ran out of gas. I called Fuyuhiko to get some for us and just meet us where we are.
"Soo, We ran out of gas, Taka."
"WHAT! Are we going to be okay?"
"Yes, We'll be fine I promise. We're just waiting for Fuyuhiko."
"Oh okay." He just sat on the bike while I got off and checked to see if anything else is wrong. I saw a car pull up behind us and I saw Taka was getting nervous so I stood behind the bike leaning on it while Taka was behind me.
"Sup Mondy!" I saw my brother walk out the car and i ran to him giving him a hug.
"Bro, I missed you!" I said giving him the tightist hug I could give.
"I missed you too! Why are you over here?"
"Bike ran out of gas. I got my friends getting me gas right now."
"Who's that on the bike? You never let anyone on your bike!"
I grabbed his hand and brought him to Taka.
"Taka! This is Dayia, My brother!"
"Oh! Hello, I'm Kiyotaka Ishimaru!" He said holding his hand out to shake Dayia's.
"Mondo, Talks about you alot. He really looks up to you." Taka told Dayia and was smiling.
"Aww, My brother has a soft spot for two people!" Dayia wrapped an arm around my neck and hugged me.
"I'ma stay here till your friends get here." Dayia Said and leaned on the bike.
"So, Kiyotaka. How did you get Mondo to let you ride his bike?" My brother asked him gesturing at me.
"He actually asked me to ride with him. I'm scared of motorcycle's."
"Ohhh! Mondo asked someone else!"
"Is that a big deal?" Taka asked really confused.
"Mondo doesn't let anyone on his bike, let alone touch it!"
"Aww, Mondo!" Taka looked at me.
"Shut up, Eyebrows." I said looking at him and Dayia.
Dayia and Taka talked for a little bit. It's good to know my brother gets alone with Taka.
"Yo, Mondo. Can I talk to you for a second?" Dayia said moving his head to his car.
"Uhhh, yeah. I'll be right back, Eyebrows."
We walked to the car and he stood in front of me so Taka couldn't see me.
"You sly dog!" He said playfully punching my shoulder
"I saw it!"
"Saw wha-OHHH!"
He just looked at me and was waiting for an explanation.
"I may be gay." I told him looking down.
"I knew it! Yo, I'm so proud of you ,dude!"
"What? You're not mad?" I asked him checking to see if Taka was still there.
"Why the hell would I be mad?!"
"I don't know!"
"Do you like him?"
"Of course I like him! If I didn't he wouldn't be on my bike!"
"Makes sense." He said and walked back to Taka.
"Hey, FYI you might wanna cover that better." Dayia told him pointing at the hickey. Taka got red and covered it with his hand, and Dayia chuckled at it. We saw a car pull up in front of us.
We saw Kaz walk out with a gas can and handed it to me.
"There you go!" He sat there for a little bit and waited till I was done filling my bike.
Taka's p.o.v
I was sitting there talking to Dayia and watching Mondo. Dayia looked alot like Mondo except less tan and had black hair.
"I'm glad he found someone like you. He'll start being more careful now." Dayia said whispering to me.
"I hope so. He already got in a fight."
"Of course he did. He always has." Dayia told me.
"You talking shit bout me?!" Mondo stood up. Dayia sat up and stood in front of him.
"Yeah, what you gonna do bout it!" They went back and forth with each other, I guess this is how they always play.
Mondo handed the gas can to Kaz and thanked him going back to Dayia.
"Not to interrupt whatever this is, but we need to go, Mondo." I told Mondo while he swung his attention to me.
"Oh, yeah. Okay!"
Mondo said bye to Dayia giving him a hug and then Dayia turned to me holding his hand out.
"Keep an eye out for him. He likes to get into trouble, and it was nice meeting you, Kiyotaka!"
"I know that already, and nice meeting you too, Goodbye Mr.Oowada!"
We waved at each other and Mondo sat and watched him drive away.
"You're brothers nice!"
"I'm glad you like him, Eyebrows!" Mondo said and drove off and we soon got to school.

784 words!

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