"Lonely with you"

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(Timeskip to the morning)

Mondo's p.o.v

I woke up to the Monokuma bell and look over next to me. Taka was curled up in a little ball next to me and had a tiny smile on him. I'm surprised he didn't wake up to it, and got ready for the day. I grabbed a hold of him and pulled him closer to me. I guess he was really tired from last night. I was holding onto him and fell asleep.
"I love you, Taka. I really do."
(Timeskip: They slept in till two classes have passed)
"Mondo! Wake up! We're late!" I heard Taka yelling and shaking me awake.
"I'm up I'm up." I said
"We got to go!" He pulled my hand and made me sit up, so I could fully wake up.
He was buttoning his shirt and was pacing around the room, while I was still stretching.
"Alright, I love you, honey, but I got to go!" He kissed me and ran out of the room.
"I... love you too."
I got ready and walk out.

I was sitting in class and had a great idea!
"Um, Hey can I be excused?" I asked the Teacher
"Sure, but be right back."
I walked out the class room and was running to my bike. When I got to it, I headed to town, and went to a (____________) (AN: you guys aren't allowed to know either, hahaha)
When I got back to school it was lunch time, so I just headed to the cafeteria.
I looked over and saw Fuyuhiko and Yasuhiro, but I didn't see Leon, so I went to go sit with them. I started walking over and they were already giving me hateful looks. I sat down and tried talking to them, but they kept ignoring me.
"Ya guys not even gonna pay attention to me?"
"No, ya fucking asshole!" Fuyuhiko Yelled.
I know what this was about, it was the Leon situation. I guess the bitch didn't tell them why I beat him and just made me sound like an asshole.
"Alright then, Fuck you guys!" I stormed off. I looked around the cafeteria and Saw Taka, I decided to sit with him. When he saw me, his face started to glow and he had the most precious smile I've ever seen.
"Hey, can I sit here with you, babe?- I mean bro!"
"Um, no, you can sit here."
The rest of his friends just stared at us.
"Um, Taka? Is there something you wanna tell us?" Kaz asked
"What do you mean?" Taka said
Kaz raised an eyebrow
"C'mon, ya know what I mean."
I tapped Taka's shoulder and asked if I could talk to him alone.
"Hey, I think we can tell them that were dating now. It's been almost two weeks."
"I know, just I'm still scared."
"It's okay, ya know for a fact I won't let anyone mess with ya."
"Only if you're okay with telling them."
"I mean, that's kinda what I'm asking you. Is if your okay with telling them?"
"I don't know! Are you?"
"I'm fine with telling them, but are you?"
".... Yeah, I guess. You tell them though."
"Okay, you sure?"

Taka's p.o.v
We walked over and sat down, I look over and nodded to Mondo
"Um, so me and Taka have been dating for awhile."
"Aww! Congratulations guys!" Chihiro cheered
"I knew it! Ya owe me 10 bucks, Kaz!"
Chiaki yelled
"You guys were betting on us?!" Mondo yelled
"Um, nooooo." Kaz said
The lunch bell rung and we started heading off, but I hugged Taka and started whispering
"Doesn't that feel better not hiding it. Annnnd I also got you a surprise, but you can't see it till later."
"Awww! I wanna see it!"
"No, later!" I kissed him on the forehead and yelled
"I love you, babe!"
"I love you, too!"

(Timeskip:after all the classes)
Mondo's p.o.v
I was looking for Taka and was really excited to give him his surprise.
I saw Taka and ran to him
"Mondo, you shouldn't run in the halls."
"I wanna give you your surprise, C'mon!" I grabbed his arms and ran to my dorm.
"Okay, Mondo what is it?"
I stood in front of him and grab his hand, I put my hand in my pocket and pulled out a promise ring.
I put the ring on his finger
"Uh, it's a promise ring. I'm promising that I'm gonna be here for you forever no matter what and that I love you."
I looked at Taka and he was blushing like crazy. He hugged me and started kissing me all over
"Thank you! Thank you! I love you so much!"
"I love you, too, Babe!"

791 words
I'm sorry this seems rushed, but I couldn't get focused on this chapter. I'm trying to get some chapters out there.
Hey, If no one has told you today. I'm proud of you, your doing great, hun. Please keep being yourself. Everyone loves you.
I wanna do something nice for you guys, so I'ma start another book, but it's gonna be something different. So comment your comfort characters from Danganronpa. I haven't seen any after the second game. I'm still watching it so I can't do despair girls or Drv3 (idk if that how you say it) I'm sorry. I guess wait and see for what I got.
Alright go back to your regularly scheduled program. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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