Quirk No. 23: Shockwave Fist

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Quirk Name: Shockwave Fist

Quirk Type: Emitter

Description: Shockwave Fist allows the user to send shockwaves through anything they touch with their hands, these shockwaves can travel through air, though they will dissipate quickly and won't be very powerful.

This quirk is not capable of producing shockwaves over long periods of time, it is less like the numerous tremors of a earthquake and more like the shockwave of a single explosion.

Specific Drawbacks of Overuse: loss of feeling in the hands, loss of movement in the hands

Ultimate Move Ideas:

Quivering Palm: The user puts their palm up against the target and releases shockwaves that cause damage to the target's internal organs.

Earthshaker Palm: The user puts their palm to the ground and creates a shockwave that cracks the ground, disrupting movement and surprising the enemy. This move has a small area of effect and is very draining on the user.

A/N(gruesome): Imagine someone using this on your head, they would juice your brain so quick. Scary.

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