Quirk No. 25: Mortus

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Quirk Name: Mortus

Quirk Type: Emitter

Description: The user can summon a being that appears to be a medieval templar knight. This knight is capable of impressive feats of strength and wields a nigh-indestructible sword. The knight "dashes" into reality and towards the nearest enemy when summoned in combat. The knight is named Mortus.

The knight is not affected by mind control used against the user. The knight is not affected by quirks that stop time, one explanation for this could be that the knight does not actually move, but swaps its atoms with those around it to create a effect similar to movement.

Specific Drawbacks of Overuse: None

Ultimate Moves:

Mordhau (German, lit. murder stroke)

Mortus holds his sword by the blade and swings to knock out the target by striking them with the hilt of the blade.

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