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(Y/N pov)

i couldn't believe who just walked through the door. it was steve. the one i had been longing for since he left.

"hey baby!" i said as he ran up to me and kissed me.
"wow you look hot in your uniform." i laughed as a tear rolled down my cheek. i was so happy he was home.

"Y/N i've missed you so much, you have no idea." steve said sitting next to me.
"i've missed you more."

we pulled into such a passionate kiss. it was like the only thing in the world was steve and i.


"so, how are you feeling honey?"
"eh. i've felt better."

i looked steve in the eye. he really could see right through me. he felt the pain that i felt.

"do you need anything Y/N?"
"some cake would be nice."

we smiled at each other. that was one of our favorite things to do. eat cake together.

"ok princess i'll go get some. i'll be right back." steve said giving me a kiss on the cheek.

steve really was the man of my dreams. and he also looked really hot in that uniform, wow.


i must've fallen asleep because when i woke up steve was beside me sleeping on the couch. what time was it? i looked at the clock, it was 2:00 am. dang it. i slept through the cake. oh well, steve probably ate it all anyways.

i let my heavy eyelids close once more as i drifted off into a deep sleep.

(steve pov)

when i woke up it was around 5:00 am. i guess i really was used to the training sleep schedule. i couldn't go back to sleep, so i just laid there. i looked over at Y/N, as she was peacefully sleeping. gosh, was i lucky to have a girl like her in my life. it just saddened me to know how sick she actually was. it was just the one thing i feared most- losing her.


it was now 7:00, a more reasonable time for anyone to get up. i looked over at Y/N, but this time she was awake.

"mornin' beauty."
"morning." she said softly. i just don't know how someone can be so beautiful.

i called twobit to bring us some breakfast, and he was there within probably 30 minutes. he's always there when you need him- drunk or sober.

"i just wanna go home with you stevie."
"i know, so do i."
"i'll talk to the nurses about releasing you."

i walked to the front desk to talk to one of the receptionists.

"hi, i'm steve randle, Y/N  Y/L/N's boyfriend."
"hi, what do you need?"
"i know that Y/N is really sick, and i want to do something special for her."
"ok. i'll talk to the doctor about releasing her. the only problem with that is we don't want her to catch anything. her immune system is very weak and more prone to catching illnesses."
"ok, thank you, uh- janet."
"no problem steve."

i walked back into Y/N's room to find some nurses. they were helping her with something.

"steve it's okay you can come in!" Y/N said.
"ok, your all set." said the nurse.
"what was she doing?" i asked.
"no clue."

we both laughed. that is a Y/N move.

"steve i love you so much."
"i love you more."
"no i love you more!"

that turned into us making out. it was nice- i won't get into detail.

Y/N hasn't changed at all since the last time i seen her. and i love that. she will always be the same ol' Y/N in my heart no matter what.

𝐃𝐎𝐍'𝐓 𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐆𝐄𝐓 𝐌𝐄 || steve randleWhere stories live. Discover now