class begins

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as you pick a seat in your english class (1st period) you glance at an empty table next to the window, hopefully you'll be able to not sit next to anyone because you'll either end up scaring them off with your little attitude or have to deal with another headache. As you start getting your notebook and textbook out from your bag, you hear a slight cough from the seat next to you. You look up to see the giant who bumped into in the gym standing there. "can i help you ?" you ask
"well actually thats my seat" he scoffs
"oh really ?" you look around and on the floor and on the table, even under the seat
"what are you looking for ?" he asks puzzled
"where the fuck your name is on this seat" you scoff as u plop yourself back down. he looks suprised that anybody tried to compete with him, everybody from his middle school and outside of it knows he's cold, but you really dont care because you can be just as, if not more, cold. he chuckles as he sits down in the seat beside you. "Okay attention class, welcome to english literature !! im excited to have u all in my class..." you see out of the corner of your eye the giant staring at you in curiosity, you pick up your pencil and point to the front of the class, "the teachers up there beanstalk" he chuckles at the new nickname and turns his attention to the front. you find yourself looking at him every few minutes, after catching yourself you snap out of it.

[authors note: sorry if you guys dont like this so far its my first story so if you have any constructive criticism then i'll gladly take it! also yes ik this chapter is short my bad, thanks again yall <3]

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