Game day/ the rise of the crows part 2

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During the last class of the day the intercom interrupts your teachers lesson. "will the boys volleyball team please report to the locker rooms and then to the office immediately for after school activites please" you start packing up your stuff as the teacher stops you. "y/n where are you going?" he asks.
"oh you didnt know? im part of the guys volleyball team, the girls ran out of spots so the coach said i could join his team." the teacher hesitantly lets you finish packing and walk out as some of the class members whisper. you brush it off and walk down to the locker room. After changing you meet the team except for yams, suga, and hinata. After a few minutes they show up and then follows coach ukai. He makes sure everyone is present and then directs everyone onto the bus waiting outside. After taking attendance one more time on the bus he gives the driver that its okay to take off. You're sitting next to hinata and on the seat across from you two sits yamaguchi and tsukki. About halfway during the drive you pull out a hairbrush to fix your hair. "what are you doing -_-" tsukki says.
"what tf does it look like beanstalk"
hinata giggles and tells you to stop being mean. he then offers to brush your hair for you. you agree and can see tsukki getting uncomfortable out of the corner of your eye. "whats up with you?" you ask. he shakes his head and hits you with the solid "nothing".
you realize he's getting jealous and grin. you roll your eyes and hint to hinata whats going on. he smirks and hands you the hairbrush which you then hand to tsukki. "yamaguchi is it okay if we switch seats really quick?" you ask, he nods and quickly moves from one seat to the other as the bus is moving. you try to plop into the seat but end up accidentally sitting in tsukkis lap as the bus makes a sharp left turn. you feel ur face get hot as u try to move yourself but tsukki then grabs your hips and puts you back on his lap. "this will make it easier to fix your hair idiot stop moving" he then gently brushes your hair. "you know you can go harder than that"
"are you sure i dont want it to hurt " he says in a soft tone which makes u melt. "yes im sure" u say in an even softer tone. u immediately snap out of it as you feel yourself getting softer for him. he brushes the ends first and asks if its okay if he puts your hair in a ponytail. you nod and pull a pocket mirror out of your bag to look at the final product. its even better than how you usually do it. no lumps or anything. "woahh i didn't know you were good at fixing hair its so pretty :)" you say astonished. "i always do my moms hair when her hands are too busy or if shes too tired to do it." he mumbles. you turn around and grab his face. "DUDE THATS SO CUTE" you giggle and let go of his face and turn to hinata and yamaguchi. "DID U GUYS HEAR THAT? THE DEVIL ACTUALLY HAS A HEART"
they stare at tsukki in shock, "i-i dont know how to react"
just then the bus pulls into the school you guys are playing against. [authors note: i made up the school name its gonna be highline highschool] As the bus comes to a stop ukai tells everyone to get off and wait at the entrance for him. As you're getting off you notice asahi curled up in the corner taking a nap. "asahi!! hey, wake up we're here" you say in a soft tone as you gently shake him. "hey asahi get up" he then slowley opens his eyes and stretches. "goodmorning sleepyhead :) cmon lets go" you smile at him and tug on his arm to get him up. he stands up and follows you off the bus. "nishinoya you really were gonna leave him asleep on the bus? you're so mean omg" you tease. "oh y/n no- i mean- as a joke- BUT I SWEAR I DIDNT MEAN IT IM NOT MEAN" he rants, you laugh and just point ahead at coach ukai as he opens his mouth. "okay guys school just got out for everyone so the halls are going to be a little crowded. make sure to stick together as we go in okay? we're gonna show them what karasuno can do. we're not fallen crows as of now. everybody got that?"
"yes coach!!" the whole team chants at the same time. Ukai leads the team into the building and directs you all to the gym. On the way there the guys were all eyeing you down, one even tried to ask for your number until the ENTIRE TEAM scared them off. it was crazy it was like each of them one by one BARKED at the guy 😭😭, anyways ukai led you guys to the gym and immediately as you got there you noticed how cocky the guys on the other team looked. You saw them flexing towards!!! u sprinted to the front of the group and tugged on ukais shirt. "why is there a camera??" you ask
"i told you y/n this was on the news, this is one of our only chances to win back our title and if we don't we lose the title of of a powerhouse school as a whole. this game means a lot for our school, no pressure though. you guys are gonna do great." he pats your back
"nO pReSsUre tHoUgH" you mock him. As your team walks in to practice you notice more and more kids filling up the bleachers. A few kids arrive from karasuno but you're too nervous to look at them all. You hear a few comments about a girl being on karasuno but you brush them off. As its your teams turn to practice you notice the guys are a little off their game. you ask ukai to stall for about 10 minutes as you give the guys one last pep talk in the empty gym next door. "AYO EVERYONE LISTEN. IS SOMEONE GONNA TELL ME WHY THE FUCK YOU GUYS LOOK LIKE YOURE GONNA THROW UP? HM?" you scan the room. "b-because im nervous" hinata says. "AND WHY ARE YOU NERVOUS? YOU CAN FLY HIGHER THAN ANYONE ON THAT TEAM? DID U FORGET EVERYTHING WE DID DURING PRACTICE? THE WAY U CAN MAKE ALL OF US GASP WITH UR SPEED AND JUMP?" you scream. "YOU'VE GOT THIS DUMBASS HOLD UP UR HEAD HIGH"
"talk about tough love..." tanaka whispers. "TANAKA I HEARD THAT! DID EVERYONE FORGET ABOUT THE BARBECUE WE'RE GONNA WIN?"
"MEAT GOD MEAT GOD MEAT GOD" the boys start chanting. ukai bursts open the gym doors telling y'all the time is up. The team walks in the gym with confidence and starts practicing. You can feel your heart racing even faster. This is so surreal. The bright lights shining in your face as you guys start to warm up. Youre up to hit the ball over the net first and before u hit you hear a few screams from the crowd. "who let a GIRL on the court?!" "this is a BOYS team" "shes not even good!!" and etc. You fuel up all that anger and watch the toss suga gives you, matches your aim with it and slam it down the court with a line shot. the crowd goes silent as soon as the ball snaps on the gym floor. Highline highs team looks so shocked. You look back at your team to see everyone chuckling at you. "they got her mad" tsukki chuckles. "bad idea" yamaguchi chimes in. You roll your eyes and run to get the ball from where it rolled into. It's next to the other team and as u go closer to them their jaws drop at your beauty. One even tries to make a move but their teammate stops them. "Hey can you toss me my ball please?" you say in your sweetest tone. Being petty he just kicks it over at you. you turn around, bend over to pick up the ball, look back and say "bet."
they're just fueling your fire. you pass by the camera as it zooms in on you, you wave and smile at it. Next up is Hinata's turn to hit. He hits the quick attack and the crowd goes quiet again. You hear the camera man yell "karasuno is back and better than ever!! that was hinata shoyo and y/l/n y/n, which i should mention, is a girl on the boys team! she is going to be a fierce weapon during this game". you giggle and watch the team shock everyone in the room one by one.
After both teams are warmed up the game starts. Up to serve first is highline high. They would've gotten an ace if it wasn't for nishinoya's speed. Even though you're at the front you can feel the air speed past you. He always amazes you with how fast he can move. "kageyama!!" nishinoya yells. you know you're up to hit so you step back a little for more room which grabs the attention of the blockers on the other side of the net. You watch as they follow your movement and jump up for the hit. The ball speeds past you over to asahi on your other side. You watch as he slams it down on the other side of the court. The crowd roars. You get embarassed and mumble "damn i thought that was mine" as kageyama turns his head and pouts. "awh not you being delusional-" he says. "you're a bum thats why the set wasn't even good" you jokingly respond. the guys on the other side of the net stare in shock. you just gently blow them a kiss as asahi watches. "leave them alone y/n" he chuckles. Next up to serve is kageyama, he gets an easy ace as the whole team cheers him on with the crowd. The game continues on like this until the end of the first round. karasuno wins the 1st round. (Between each round theres a 10 minute break to drink water, get snacks that are handed out, etc) All the players on the court go back to the bench for a huddle and cooldown. You look for coach to brag about a good hit you got in and to talk about the looks on their faces after you completely demolished their team, although you can't find him. You let tsukki and yams know you'll go look for him. They offer to join you but you decline because it'll just be a quick break. You search the bleachers for him and then decide to check in the halls. As you're walking down the empty halls you hear two people talking. You recognize ukai's voice but he seems angry. He's yelling "WHY ARE YOU HERE?! YOU DON'T DESERVE TO SEE HER, EVER" you run and turn the corner to try and see why he's so angry and to try and calm him down. As soon as you turn the corner you see why. "M-mom?"

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