volleyball tryouts

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Your first day was pretty easy considering most of your classes consisted of you introducing yourself to the class then being "social" although you decided to stare out the window because being social wasnt really your thing. after your last period of the day you walk through the halls trying to find Hinata, you get stares and whispers, you notice people start blushing as they walk past, *whats going on? Do i have something on my face omg* you think to yourself. You finally spot your orange headed best friend "HINATA" you yell in excitement.
"Y/N-CHAN!!!" he yells back and runs to you, you guys do your handshake. "okay whats the plan for today??" you ask
"Well im gonna go to tryouts right now if you wanna come" he says
You think about it for a little, at least it would keep u away from your dad for a few hours so you agree. you both walk into the gym and your eyes go straight to the coach. is that- ? "UNCLE !!!" you scream excitedly and run up to him.
"y/n ? OMG Y/N !!" coach ukai drops his board and engulfs you in a hug. "i missed you where have you been ???" He asks
"i could ask you the same thing" you chuckle. coach ukai is your uncle on your moms side, she left the whole family and he had to provide for you from over seas because the pay was higher there. He always sent money but your dad used it for alcohol. "youre so pretty !! And youve grown so much taller since the last time i saw you ! how old were you ? 11 maybe ?" u just giggle and nod your head. You didnt realize u had closed your eyes while enjoying his embrace. You open your eyes to find the guys huddled around staring at the little reunion. you get embarassed and pull away. "oh guys this is my neice ! I havent seen her in about 4 or 5 years" he smiles warmly. "nice to meet you, im y/n" you smile cheesely. "WOAH A BABE" a guy who looks shorter than Hinata says. as you look up at the group of boys to see them blushing, am i really that pretty ?? You think to yourself, but then u see the beanstalk so you quickly pull yourself together and turn to your uncle. "i know this is a lot to ask....but can i tryout ? the girls volleyball team is full and you know how much i need volleyball in my life" he thinks about it for a second.
"but sir this is a BOYS volleyball team. Shes a girl she'd probably get hurt cause yk we are men" the beanstalk chimes in. before you can say anything a tall guy who kinda resembles jesus chimes in with "tsukki stop being like that, i mean you dont know how good she is" i smile softly at the jesus look a like, "thank you" i say. so the beanstalks name is tsukki, bet. "and you are ?"
"my names azumane but you can call me asahi-" and before he can finish the short one goes "AND IM NISHINOYA BUT U CAN CALL ME NOYA BEAUTIFUL" i giggle as i look over to the bald one, "HEY NOYA NO FAIR I SAW HER FIRST; IM TANAKA NICE TO MEET YOU" one by one they introduce themselves, i greet all of them and then remember that i still havent gotten my answer. "So can i tryout uncle?" i ask while giving him puppy eyes, "pleaseeee 🥺"
"alright alright but dont expect me to allow u to join just because you're my neice. i haven't seen what you're capable of so if you dont go all out then i cant let you join" he says with a smirk. "YESSS" i jump up and down excitedly, "lemme go change !!" i highfive Hinata on my way out, "dude this is gonna be great !!" he squeals.

[authors note: in this story ur gonna have a fat juicy volumptuious dumptruck so stay tuned 😼 also my bad if yall dont like this language or are young]

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