after tryouts :)

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After a few hours tryouts finally ended. The bond between you and some of the guys had gotten so much stronger. Coach calls everyone to gather around to see who had made the team. "alright before i say who made the team i just wanna thank you all for coming and spending all this time with us to try out, unfortunately we cant pick all of you to stay." you feel your heart start beating so much faster considering you're the only girl there to try out and that might be the reason you dont get picked. "if we call your name, please gather your things and understand theres always next year." as coach ukai goes down the list of names you zone out. you bite ur lip to try and snap out of it. you feel someone grab ur hand, its hinata, he shoots you a smile that immediately calms you down. he has such a soft, pure, presence that brings you calmness and peace. "thank you all for coming if your name wasnt on the list, congratulations you're part of karasunos boys volleyball team!! er- with the acception of a girl of course" you feel like a whole bunch of weight has just been lifted off your shoulders. you jump up excitedly onto hinata and tackle him. you look around to see a few guys walking out. you automatically feel bad and want to do something but dont know what. tsukki notices ur mood change and tries to cheer you up but doesnt know how. "hey dumbass, they have next year too" he tries. "yeah i guess. also who are u calling dumbass, dumbass" you grin. he feels relieved you have ur joy back. you look around to see who else has stayed. (suga, daichi, asahi, yamaguchi, tsukki, hinata, tanaka, noya, and a few guys u havent met yet) coach ukai congratulates you all once more and assigns a practice schedule and lets you all leave considering its dark outside. you feel ur heart drop as you hear its time to go home. you were having so much fun you forgot about what was waiting for you at home. "uncle ?" you say as everyone gets their stuff. "yeah whats up?"
"um since we havent seen eachother in a while i was wondering if i could come to your place and sleepover so we could catch up?" you come up with any excuse to get you away from your dad for a while.
"oh yeah for sure!! but you seem worried...whats wrong ?"
"its n-nothing i promise" you shoot him a fake smile and gather ur things. you have your uniform in your bag for school the next day. "bye guys we're gonna head out!!" coach says. everyone says bye and you text hinata letting him know that you'll be at ukai's. he's never been to your house or even has any idea of what goes on there. you've kept it a secret for years. *BEEP BEEP*
you jerk your head to the car that just shined bright. its a new car than last time you saw him. after throwing ur stuff in the back and hopping in the front you fasten your seatbelt. (as u should queen safety first 😼). the car ride was full of jokes and singing to the radio. family love was such a foreign feeling to you since he was the only one who properly cared about you and loved you in your family. (stan coach ukai for clear skin). He drives you to his shop and u get confused. "um why are we here?" you ask
"my apartment is upstairs, i own this shop, I'll show you" he offers to grab your bag which reminds you of hinata but u politely decline and follow him. He unlocks the shop and then locks it once yall are inside. "if you want you can grab a drink or some food considering you just got back from volleyball"
"o-oh okay, hmm do u have ice tea and noodles? i could really go for some ramen right now" you respond
he chuckles; "i guess your taste in food hasnt changed since ive been gone"
u giggle and grab your stuff. "i really dont have to pay? i feel like im stealing💀" he laughs and says its alright. you follw him to the back of the store and then up a flight of stairs to his apartment door. "this is so cool" u mumble. "wait until u get inside" he smirks. once u walk in the smell of cigarettes hits u instantly. "u smoke in here?" u cough a few times and he turns on a fan. "i wont now that you're here but look around". you finally stop coughing and take a look around. its such a cool apartment, a beanbag in the corner, a big tv on the dark blue wall, covered with posters of anime, volleyball, and volleyball awards, a couch with tons of pillows, and a bright set of leds covering the wall making the room change colors. he turns on some music and tells you to go take a shower and get ready for bed while he prepares the guest bedroom for you.

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