Chapter 1

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The Keyblade War has been going on forever. Everyone is tired. Riku and I look at each other. Xehanort is about to use the X-Blade when...wait wait wait. Hold on a minute. Did you really think I was going to start off with us at the war. No no. If you want to hear my story, my and Riku's story, we have to go to the beginning when we first met. When I first got my Keyblade. How all of this started.....

* Y/N POV *

It was a beautiful day at Radiant Garden. When is it not. All the flowers bloom so beautifully. Honestly I love f/f (favorite flowers). They're the best. I was walking home from my normal walk I take every day when I heard screaming. I had no idea where it was coming from.



I ran over to the screams I I saw my two best friends b/f and b/f (best friends)and while I saw them, they were surrounded by these black monster creatures with bright yellow eyes. I knew I had to jump into action.

"Stay away from my friends!" you said

One was about to jump at you when something strange happened. A sword that looked like a key showed in your hand. You acted quick and swung at the creatures taking them all out. After that, it disappeared. You were shocked, but proud of yourself.

"Y/N, thank you so much" both of your best friends said

They then hugged you and you all went home thinking of how crazy today was. You went to your room, sat on your bed and looked at your hands wondering how the key looking sword showed up. It was like magic. You weren't going to let this go because it was so cool and awesome how you defeated all of the monster creatures. After talking to yourself inside your head about all of what happened today you laid down and went to take a nap. 

* Mickey's POV *

I'm out on an adventure with Riku on another world trying to get rid of as much Heartless as we can. Right in the middle of fighting, I feel a shiver down my spine. Like someone else is using some sort of magic. Another Keyblade Wielder maybe.? It can't be though?

"Mickey look out!" 

I turn around and I see a Heartless disappear in front of my eyes.

"Thank you Riku. Sorry about that." I said

"Why did you stop fighting? Are you ok?" he said

"Yeah. Everything's fine. But, I think we may have to leave this world, and go back to Master Yen Sid."

"Why? What's wrong?" he asked

"Nothing. I just think we have another another wielder with us." I said

Riku stood here shocked and we got on the Gummy Ship and flew off. Once we got back I knocked on the door asking to come in.

"Master, I have some news that I think you might want to hear."

"Go ahead Mickey" Yen Sid said

"I think we have a new Keyblade Wielder on our hands"

* Riku's POV *

"I think we have a new Keyblade Wielder on our hands."

I didn't know what to think about this. A new Keyblade Wielder. Is that even possible?

"Do you think he or she could be a Guardian of Light?" I asked

"I don't know. But what I felt when I was fighting was strong and powerful. But it wasn't evil." he said

"Ok. Thank you Mickey. Please find this new Keyblade Wielder and bring him or her back here. But do not force them. Be nice. Riku. I want you to split up from Mickey. Go to another World and he will call you on the Gummy Phone if he may find anything. Mickey you shall go to Radiant Garden." Master Yes Sid said

The Unknown Guardian of Light (Riku x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now