Chapter 3

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* Y/N POV *

You walk in and you are kind of nervous. You see a guy with a long beard sitting behind a desk, and then you look around to see more people in the room. Guessing they're the other Guardians. 

"Hello. It's nice to meet you too." you said

You look to your left to get a good look at everyone and you lay your eyes on two twin looking boys. Ventus and Roxas your guessing. You walk up to them both.

"Wow Mickey. You weren't kidding when you said they were literally identical to each other. You're Roxas(pointing at Roxas) and you're Ventus(pointing at Ven)."you said

"Yup. And you can call me Ven." Ven said

"It's nice to meet you y/n" Roxas said

"You too. You two are cute" you said giving them a little wink and walking away to talk to the others

"She said that to me" Ven said

"no she said that to me" Roxas said

They were whisper arguing

You then went up to Axel, Xion, Aqua, Terra, Donald, Goofy and Kairi. You then went up to Sora.

"And I'm guessing you're the famous Sora?" you said

"I wouldn't say famous, but yup that's me" he said with his cute big smile that we all love

"I just have to say something. From what Mickey told me, you're heart is truly special. Don't ever change what you have ok Sora. Stay the way you are." you said 

"Ok. I will. Thanks y/n." he said

"Hey Mickey. Wasn't there supposed to be another person here. Riku I think you said his name was?" you asked

"He is on his was back from another world. He will be back soon when you will meet." Master Yen Sid said.

"For now on, May I see your Keyblade? Can you summon it?" he asked

You closed your eyes, took a deep breath in and it showed up in your hand

(Like I said before, you can have another Keyblade in mind if you would like

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(Like I said before, you can have another Keyblade in mind if you would like. That's ok :D )

"Woah. So cool" you said quietly

Everyone else was shocked and in aw as well.

"Well y/n you truly were chosen with such power. That Keyblade you wield surely looks powerful enough to take down enough Heartless." Yen Sid said

"Talking about Heartless Master, there's something I've forgot to also mention. Xehanort's back." Mickey said

Everyone froze

"What do you mean he's back Mickey?" Terra said

"I saw him talking to y/n. y/n tell him what Xehanort was trying to tell you."

"It was nothing bad really. It's what you guys are trying to tell me right now. He was going to tell me what a Guardian of Light is when Mickey blasted him right in the face. Then I found out he was pure Darkness. That's all." you said

"Hmmm. Well I guess it is time you should know what a Guardian of Light is." Master Yen Sid said

"A Guardian of Light is someone who protects worlds from falling to Darkness. Protects people from falling to Darkness. Taking out as much Heartless and Nobodies as they can to protect each and every world from falling apart. A Guardian of Light has a true heart. A heart of light, strength, courage, love, and power. And you y/n definitely have all of that if the Keyblade chose you to wield it." he said

You stood there shocked. Looking back on when you saved your friends it kind of makes sense. But this was all crazy, and cool.

"But what do I do now?" you asked

"You join us as the new Guardian of Light. And I know it'll be hard for you to leave your home. But if you go back, it won't be safe. The Organization might come back and who knows what they'll do" Roxas said

You look at him and everyone knowing they're right. You have to keep your family safe.

"Ok. I'm in." you said with a smile." you said

"That's wonderful y/n" Kairi said

"Yes it is, but you will need proper training with your Keyblade. Yes you took out a couple Heartless, but there will be a lot more. I will assign you to train with Riku. Aqua, you will train with y/n until he gets back. Is that ok?" Yen Sid asked

"Yes. That's fine." you said

"Ok then. Before you're off. Thake these clothes. They will protect you from the darkness."

(You can chose from any of these)

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(You can chose from any of these)

"Ok. Thank you so much" you said

"Aqua, please take y/n to her room where she can rest for tomorrow she will begin training."

"Yes sir" Aqua said

Aqua was taking me to my room when she said

"I know this is going to be hard, taking a big step in your life to protect worlds. But don't worry. You have friends here to help you and stand by you along the way. If you need help, don't be afraid to ask, ok?" she said

"Ok. Thank you Aqua" you said.

"No problem. I'll be back by around 8 am to get you training. So be ready." she said


"Goodnight y/n"

"Goodnight Aqua"

You walked into your room and it was almost the size of yours. You sunk into your bed and you knew you would have a good nights sleep because of how comfy it was. You looked out the window to the stars in the sky.

"Goodnight everyone back home. I hope you're all ok." you whispered.

You laid back looking at the ceiling thinking of what tomorrow will bring and you shut your eyes going into a deep slumber.

The Unknown Guardian of Light (Riku x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now