Chapter 8

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* Y/N POV *

"Ok y/n just calm down. And stop pacing back and forth. Everything will be fine." Kairi said

You're in your room right now talking to Kairi about the kiss you had with Riku. It was your first kiss, and it was a huge deal for you.

"Calm down?! Kairi. How can I calm down, when I just kissed Riku? I can't deal with romance right now. One: I'm a new Keyblade Wielder now. Two: I just found out I'm a new Guardian of Light. And Three: ORGANIZATION 13 IS AFTER ME! So I can't be calm. I have to just forget about it, and just go back to him being my friend and trainer. I bet that's what's he's doing and saying right now." you said

* Riku's POV *

"Sora, what am I supposed to do?! I just kissed y/n and it was huge for me. My first kiss. What do you think she's saying. Maybe she's saying it was a mistake. But I'm her friend and her trainer. And it has to stay that way. I know It'll hurt her, but we both know it's for the best. We gotta stay focused. Right?" he said

"Riku, why don't you just talk to y/n. You have to eventually." Sora said

"Yeah I know. We have training this afternoon." he said

"Ok then. I'll see you later" Sora said

"See ya"

* Riku in the training room waiting *

"Man, I wonder what's taking her so long?"

Riku shot his head up. He knew that voice all too well

"You. What are you doing here?" Riku said with an angry tone

"Oh what, I can't visit myself?"

"No you can't. Now leave!"

"Don't you want to hear what I have to say about you're dear y/n. I guess not then" Replica Riku said

"Wait. What are you talking about?" Riku said

Replica Riku smirked

"Oh, we all know she's special. A new Guardia of Light doesn't just show up out of nowhere. That power, is something else. Something the Organization wants." he said

"You want to take away her power?!" Riku said annoyed and angry

"Yes, no, maybe. Man am I in for it when I go back." he laughed

Riku drew out his Keyblade

"Now, now, no need for that. I just came here to talk. No fighting. Not really in the mood."

"Ok then. You told me everything right? Now leave before anyone sees you" Riku said

"Aww do you care about me?"

"No. I just want to see you gone!"

"Ok then. I'll see you and y/n later. I can't wait until she finds out. I wonder what her expression will be?" he laughed and disappeared

Riku's angry face fell to a shocked one and you walked in the room breathing heavily

"Am I late? Hey Are you ok? Looks like you've seen a ghost" you said

"Yeah I'm fine. Let's start" He said

* Y/N POV *

"Dang it! I'm gonna be late!"

You run down the hallway fast hoping that you're not going to be late and you see Riku with his Keyblade in hand with a shocked, sad face. You walk up to him.

 "Am I late? Hey are you ok? Looks like you've see a ghost? you said

"Yeah I'm fine. Let's start." he said

You had a feeling he was hiding something. The way he looked. The expression on his face. But you didn't want to push it. After about an hour of training you managed to sweep Riku, and he fell. You were shocked. After the whole two weeks you've been there, you've been close to landing a hit, but this time it actually happened. You were shocked.

"Ok. What's wrong?" You asked in an annoying tone

"What do you mean. Nothings wrong." he said plainly as he got up and walked to sit down

"No something is definitely wrong, because you are not acting like yourself. After all this time, I have been able to land a hit, and you fell. That's never happened. And you haven't appraised me yet. So something happened and you're not telling me." you said walking to him

"Nothing. Is. Wrong. And here is your appraising. Good job. You finally landed a hit. My training is actually working. You're getting better every day. Maybe that's why I fell." he said 

You started to get angry

"Fine. If you're not going to tell me what's wrong, I'll find out myself. And trust me when I tell you this, I am very good at finding out the truth, and when I do, I will come straight to you!" you said and you walked out

"y/n wait" Riku said but you were already gone

You went into your room and screamed into your f/c (favorite color) pillow.

"Uhhhhhh. Maybe I was a little too hard on him. Maybe he doesn't want to tell me because it was personal or was to protect me in a way. But, I'm his friend, I'm supposed to be there for him. Ugh. Boys." you said

"Tell me about it. I have to deal with 12 of them"

You jumped and turned around and saw a girl with yellow eyes, yellow hair, and wearing a black coat head to toe.

"Who are you? Let me guess. Another Organization 13 member wanting to me the new 'Guardian of Light'" you said 

"Wow. Good job.And yes. I am one of the members. The names Larxene." she said

"Ok. Hello. So is that all you're here for, or, something else? Because I was told to not talk to you and run the other way, but I want to hear what you have to say" you said

"Hm. Very brave for a girl who's soon gonna die." she said with a smile

"WAIT! WHAT!" you said shocked and a little scared

"Oh. Did Riku forget to tell you? We're going to steal all of your power. That big bright light inside of you. We're going to take it all. And once we do, you'll fall to the dark, and become one of us." she said

"That'll never happen. I won't let you steal my power, and I would never fall to the dark." you said

"We'll just wait and see. In the mean time. Why don't you have a dear chat with your fellow Guardians. I bet you're just dying to yell in their faces." she said laughing as she disappeared

"What a bitch" you said

After that you stormed out of your room to go find Riku's. You found his at the end of hall and you opened it



I'm not finished writing, so please stay tuned : )


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