Chapter 7

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* Riku's POV *

"WHAT!" Riku said angrily 

"Yeah. Younger and evil you gave me a visit in Twilight Town. I thought it was you for a second, but it was the you from before. If that even makes sense." you said

Riku was pacing back and forth in Yen Sid's room back at the Tower

"Y/N did he harm you in any way." he said

"No. I'm fine. Thanks" you said

"y/n, what did that past Riku say to you?" Mickey asked

"He told me the same thing the young Xehanort guy said. He wanted to meet me. The new Guardian of Light. I asked why, but of course he wouldn't tell me. Then he said "We'll meet again" Yeah, that doesn't sound creepy, or dark at all." you said

"They're definitely up to something. And it obviously has to do something with y/n. We have to keep an eye on her. Who knows what they're up too. Organization 13 are sneaky and will do anything to get what they want. Be careful y/n, and if you run into any more Organization members, you turn and run the other way. We can't risk losing you." Yen Sid said

"Ok." you said

You then left to go to your room

"Master, what are we going to do. I have to protect her. If my past self visited her, who knows what other member could be next. Larxene, Marluxia, Vanitas, Xemnas, even Ansem. I cannot let that happen. I care too much about her for her to get hurt." Riku said

"Yes. Riku. I understand. You will continue training her, and keeping an eye on her to keep her safe. I will tell the other Guardians of what is happening." Yen Sid said

"Ok. Thank you Master" Riku said

"You're welcome" he said

Riku then left the room and went to the training room to let off some steam. He was angry that his old self was visiting y/n. He didn't want her to get hurt. 'Do I like y/n. I mean I care about her, and we had that moment, but did it mean anything. I don't know. I have to forget about it.' Riku thought. 

Riku then got to the training room, went to a punching bag, and started punching it hard

* Y/N POV *

'Wow. I can't believe what's happening right now. It's already been 2 days and people are already after me. Damn it. But I did sign up for this.' you thought

You were roaming the halls when you heard grunting. You heard it coming from the training room and you saw Riku punching a punching bag. He had his Jacket off which made his muscles stand out more. You looked back up at his face and he looked mad. He was about to punch it one more time when he took out his Keyblade and sliced the bag right in half. 

"Damn. You ok there?" you asked

"y/n. I didn't see you there." Riku said

"Yeah. You were too focused destroying that punching bag. What did it ever do to you" you asked laughing a bit. He laughed back

"Just letting off some steam. After finding out that my past self is back, and after everything he's done, it's just hard to believe. And he even almost, and might have-" he stopped there looking at you

You looked back at him giving him a confused look.

"He might have what?" you asked

"Nothing. Never mind" He said

You wanted to keep pushing him to give you an answer, but seeing him right now in his state, you let it go.

"So, tomorrow, we're going to keep on training ok? Gotta get stronger" he said

"I figured as much" you said and laughed

He laughed back. You just stood there looking at each other, but then he cleared his throat and said

"I'll see you tomorrow y/n."

"Yeah. See you tomorrow"

He left, and a couple minutes later, you left too.

* Skip to Tomorrow *

"Hey am I late?" you asked out of breath.

You woke up late and you had to run down the halls.

"Nope, you're good. Now let's get started." Riku said

"First you want to be ready and get into your right fighting stance. You want to be able to attack at the right moment at the right time. If you want to punch the guy in the face at this stance, you got to have your hips at the right placement." he said

You have a swing and it was pretty good

"Like that?" you asked

"No" he laughed a little

"When you move your arm, you gotta move your lower waist along with it.

He then put his hands on your hips and moved them in the movement it's supposed to go. His hands were warm, and soft and so was he since you felt him right against your back. You felt your face getting hotter and hotter at the minute. It was probably as red as a tomato. You turn to face him and you both were really close. Only inches apart. His hands still on your hips and your eyes are locked. Until you see his moved down to your lips and back up. You do the same. He starts to lean in slowly, your heart starts going faster and faster, and you're pretty sure he feels it against his chest. His lips skim yours, and you can't take it anymore to you lean in and you lock lips with Riku. You're both surprised and you pull apart for a second until he pulls you back in for a longer kiss. This one is full of passion. You drag your hand up on his chest until they're around his neck, and you run your fingers through his soft silver hair. You eventually have to pull apart for air. When you do your foreheads are against each other and you look each other in the eyes smiling then giving a little laugh.

"Wow." you said

"Yeah. Wow" Riku said

"Double wow!"

You both tear apart and see Sora there with Kairi with their mouths wide open.

"Wha- what are you guys doing here?!" you asked angrily

"The question is what are you guy doing?" Kairi said

"Ummmm...we can discuss it later. What do you guys want." Riku said

"Master wants to see you both." Sora said

"Okay." both Riku and you said at the same time and you both laughed

On your way out Kairi gave you a goofy smile and you glared at her, while Sora said to Riku

"Nice job man"

"Dude, seriously" Riku said

On the walk to Yen Sid's rook was quiet. No one knew what to say so no one said nothing at all. Once we got there, Master Yen Sid told y/n the plan on what was going to happen and she understood.

* Xehanort's(old) POV * (didn't see that coming huh :D )

"Everyone sit down. We all know the task at hand. We have to get the girl." he said

"And how exactly do we do that. She seems very stubborn by the way I talked to her." Replica Riku said

"We just keep doing what we're doing. And in the end we will get our goal." he said

"And what is that again?" Larxene said

"The Guardian of Light's Power will be ours"



I'm not finished writing yet. So please stay tuned


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